
I love pepper spray such a great tool for self defense when lethal force isn't required. Having been peppers prayed in the military i can personally attest to it's effectiveness. While its no silver bullet and you can certainly fight through it, it is really painful.


I prefer pocket sand. I also prefer cargo shorts/pants for immediate reloads. There are so many grits to choose from and you can mix and match for different situations. From fine powders to small rocks.


IMO, you should expose yourself to pepper spray prior to carrying it for self-defense.  You need to know how you react to it because if you deploy it and the weather isnt on your side or you have to go hands on you're going to get exposed and you need to know what that does to you personally first.


The fudds saying pepper spray doesnt work have never been pepper sprayed. And the thing is, its legal in the majority of the us, whereas a concealed gun is illegal in most areas of the us. Also, many european countries allow the carry and use of pepper spray but not a gun


My college campus sells pepper spray in the campus store. Many of the women there carry it and i’ve heard stories of it working well.


SPINNER CHALLENGE: Annette sprays Karl and Russell in the face with pepper spray and see who can spin it faster 🌵 🦎


You. Cant. Fight. What. You. Cant. See.


I can't tell if this is attention bait or viewer reduction bait


For most it's effective, but for some it has little impact


I always carry my firearm, and I always carry my pepper spray as well. Here in TX you can carry a baton which is another option if you’re trained to use it.


Simmons from fishtank?


Pepper spray is ineffective on about 4 percent of the population. Pepper Spray is also less effective on person(s) on illicit drugs. Lastly spraying pepper spray into the wind is bad idea., ask me how I know.


I'm not a fan a fan of pepper spray. Through my training and experience it tends to get on everyone including the person using it and I've seen more than one person unaffected by pepper spray. All this experience has been with liquid stream OC spray too, the fog sprayers are even worse.


People should carry pepper spray, knife, and gun. Well prepared for most situations


Nobody likes the spicy in the eyes


Where are you not supposed to have a gun besides? a courthouse a police station or a school? And why would you need pepper spray in any of those locations?


She Seems Like a Keeper.
Nice Smile.


Doesn't work as well as a gun but better than nothin if you are on a really tight budget or are under aged and not yet allowed to buy a pistol


I’d rather break the law and have a reliable self-defense weapon than have something that merely irritates or temporarily incapacitates a threat. Whereas with a gun, they’ll immediately get the idea you don’t want to be messed with. Guns over pepper spray any day. Ladies need to be able to defend themselves effectively rather than what society wants to restrict them to


Why are you even entertaining this?  Yes, pepperspray has it’s uses, but it is NOT a suitable replacement for a gun.  Also, to be frank, and in my humble opinion, if you do carry a gun pepper spray could be a liability, particularly if you have an antigun or anti self defense leftist prosecutor, or you have to use it against a politically protected class/group and the left tries to launch a witch hunt show trial against you (See Zimmerman and Rittenhouse).  The leftist prosecutor could wave your can of OC around above his head and say something stupid like “ladies and gentlemen of the jury, the defendant HAD pepper spray but he didn’t use it, he CHOSE to shoot this poor innocent aspiring rapper, because he wanted to kill.”  Complete bullshit of course, but this is in front of 12 people too stupid to figure out how to get out of jury duty (or worse, actually WANT to be there or have nothing better to do) in presumably a heavily communist area.  They might just be stupid enough that that argument could work on them.

In my humble opinion, just not carrying pepper spray or other less lethal while carrying a gun removes the possibility of Monday morning quarterbacking your decision to go to your gun instead of the hot sauce.  True it removes a potentially valuable tool, but I think it is worth the trade from a legal CYA perspective.  Plus I already have enough shit to carry and pepper spray royally sucks when you sit down and the damned can explodes in your pocket and coats your ass in OC, ask me how I know. Lol

Feel free to disagree.

The only reason I can see to carry pepper spray as a primary weapon is if you are living in a communist controlled area, in which case I suggest you move.

Can’t move?  Then find a work around, a way to carry that is not technically carrying, for example, you may be able to get away with a cap and ball revolver as that doesn’t legally meet the definition of a gun in most jurisdictions (I believe even in parts of Europe), yet should still work just as well, at least for the first 6 shots.

Or just ignore the communist’s laws and carry anyway, just make sure it stays concealed, up until concealed carry started to be legalized that is what most of us did.  Watch out for printing and metal detectors and you should be fine, just don’t do anything that requires a pat down.  Should you have to use it you will possibly get caught, but it is better than the alternative.

Or just move out of communist territory.