We understand your Pain Bro ( Telugu movies are doing well )
Next 1000cr movie Spirit 🔥 and Kalki 2 🔥
Only problem with Tamil YouTubers is they think Vijay and Ajith is Indias big stars 😂😂😂😂
Sambar is boiling 🥵 😂
Lottery industry is Tamil industry ra Salt less sambar😂
Only one thing bro... Telugus never give over buildup like Hindi Theriyathu podaa n all... N cry for Northern India support... They're not as insecure as tamils... They embrace everyone equally and securely...
Tamil cinema doing Anti hindu and cast based Movies
பிரபாஸ் rocked 🔥🔥Tamil cinema shocked
Telugu young and energetic heros..prabas. Allu arjun.. Ramcharan.. So
Tollywood fans be like : let them bark 😂😂😂, barking is also good. When you can realise your latrine movies don’t accept by other industry people , then your industry start growing , PS1, Leo , rayan , vadachennai etc is good for you , not for other industry , it’s a scrap for others 😂😂 your nativity is not others connectivity
Pushpa is the super movie that why it crossed 1000cr easy and B1&2 RRR are also super movies so Don't feel Bad support
Lottery tamel heros
Tamil Caste movies divide and rule Telugu movies united bahubali the rule ❤
Kollywood 🤡 Tollywood 💀
Best industry telugu ... Cringe industry tamil. Caste padam cherry local padam tamil ..😂
Sambars logic : other language movies are cringe over the top but our sambar movies are top notch very realistic Hollywood level movies 🔥
Always Tollywood ❤ Jai Ram Charan Anna🥵💪
Tamil audience mindset are very conjusted and living in a buble that we are greater than any.... But telugu audience are always open to cinema which feels to connect them with movie no matter what the industry
Next 1000cr movies kalki 2,salaar 2,Spirit...Always prabhas❤❤🔥🔥🔥🔥 Only telugu movies da in India❤❤❤