
I love the town decorations




Hi, just realised that I’m living near you in Champagnac la Riviere, funny seeing places I see nearly every day. That Hotel could be a little gold mine as there is a magnificent Chateau in Rochechouart, but is sadly empty. Hopefully the weather improves soon 😁.


Hi Colin Touch wood comes from the 18th century I think, when you went to an auction and you bid for something, the auctioneer would touch wood at your bid. Your grass looks lovely, now its cut, until like you say it grows again. The shutters look a good job. Loved watching😘😘




I am so happy you gave your new hens a chance of a decent life..    I will enjoy watching them.       Garden looks good.     Have you got some  wild grass areas for the bees?     Cheers from Oz. xx


Have I gone bonkers, or did you upload the wrong video, I'm old but I swear I watched this video yesterday.  🀣


Can you put a wider deck around the pool




How do we get a t shirt? We are off to the Dominican in less than three weeks and want to take a pic to enter your comp. Also when on the place in the sun we could take some off camera pics with the presenters?


Hi, do you know how much the building you showed it up for sale for? Many thanks.


Sorry customs and all i grt it but a drills not that loud. Cool hand drill though.


Gonna watch this later after dinner.

How do you feel its gone this week?

We have both really enjoyed the videos.
