
30% less in energy consumption means less generated heat therefore, less cooling needed for the data centers.


"With great power, comes great power consumption"
- uncle Mike


I have a déjà-vu experience.  Already 100Mbit/s networking was able to overwhelm the CPUs of the time so something called NAPI was invented to switch between interrupt amd polled mode amd the benefits were exactly as described in the video.  There was also the issue that with small packets  a CPU may actually become entirely stuck servimg only interrupts.


Less cost for datacentres same cost for renters & users.


Consider linking directly to the TWIL episode. Will help Google recommendations as well... Currently YT is not associating the two episodes and recommendations show other channels instead of the relevant video.


Nice information. Unfortunatly efficiency gains always get eat up by a rise in usage and consumption. It's like the 5G that is more efficient than the 4G but in the end we keep using more and more data, high resolutions videos etc. It's the Jevon effect


Love this! With Great Power comes a huge amount of electricity! NVIDIA should adopt this moto!
Edit: Software inefficiencies has plagued IT and computing since mid '90s and was always solved by adding more hardware instead of paying true programmers and not copy&pasting kiddies - and this will get worse with AI where everybody now think they are all master programmer.


Thanks for the information


This really should be backported, maybe after 6 months.


some of this actually coming from the BSD space where its been there for a while. Networking and packet management has always been quite suboptimal in Linux, in the weirdest sense sometimes worse than windows. But hey, im glad to see this stuff changing for the better both the NAPI Suspension Mechanism and rtnl_lock


Wow.  Thanks!


great now we can build even more datacenters


1% per line of code! Add some more, we may go 0 electricity consumption! 🤪


4:52 this is not that, this is: we didn't know we could do it this way, we've put a lot of effort into this already in the past decades, someone figured out an improvement on this.


Technically answering a question with a rhetorical question isn't answering a question with a question. It's just a facetious way of phrasing the answer jeopardy-style


Where do you apply this patch?  

Most Linux distros are at 6.6 or older.  The distros need to be urged to back port the changes to their respective kernels and release the kernel update package.

The way you are saying it, it's making the kernel update trivial.


Great argument to use compiled languages instead of interpreted ones…


We always first optimize software before we invest into new hardware. Also one more good reason why we install Linux on old hardwareand give it a second live  😁


question: Does this energy saving applies to every cpu architecture or just a few that have a specific capability ?


30% saved, means 30% free, nothing will be saved xD