
“Sorry I didn’t save the world my friend, I was too busy building mine again.” This is probably my favorite song from the album.


"You won't grow waiting on me"
That shit hit different AF


This album is so ahead of its time it’s crazy.. this is also heavily slept on


Aside from the chorus “I choose me, I’m sorry” my favorite verse is “I realize true love is not saving face, but unconditional… When will you let me go?… I trust you find independence… If not, then all is forgiven… Sorry I didn’t save the world my friend… I was too busy building mine again”. If you’re on a journey to finding your peace and fighting for it, then this hits the soul! Love you Kendrick


"I Choose me, I'm sorry..." That hits every part of my Soul. Thanks Kendrick.


I think there was pressure on Kendrick to “change the world” through his music. He’s telling us that we can do it ourselves. We don’t need him to tell us how or do it for us. We’ve gotta heal ourselves. It’s not on him. He’s freeing himself of that responsibility. 

Good shit.


In case y’all didn’t pick it up with Mirror, this album is Kendrick turning his storytelling and lyricism towards himself, his view of himself. It’s an album about change, growth, pain, grief and self reflection.


twitter can't gaslight me into thinking this isn't a great album - amazing song


This song feels like he’s closing the book, and it feels like the conclusion to not only this album but to this entire chapter of his life.


This is one of my new favorite Kendrick Lamar song. I hope he makes a music video for this one cause it deserves recognition. Also not only is Kendrick an amazing rapper, he’s a great singer


I'm a new Kendrick fan because of Mr. Morale. I've been listening to this album since yesterday, and I'm so glad I actually  took my own decision, time, and journey to listen to this exceptional album. What a sacred space this is.

I won't lie, I am grateful for the beef that unfolded in the past weeks, had it not happened, I don't think I would've appreciated the kind of artist that Lamar is. That is to say, I wouldn't be here feeling blessed and moved to write this. Damn, I really hope he knows how monumental this whole project is for decades, through the future archives of music, this album will live on, forever. I wish to meet him one day just to look at him straight in the eye, shake his hand, and tell him that he's the man for the heart it took to make this.

 I was kinder pissed when Cole apologized for dissing Kendrick. The hip-hop fan in me was so disappointed. But now, save the fact that it didn't sit well in his spirit which is profound enough, now having listened to Mr. Morale myself, I'm like jeah Cole, you definitely had to take back your words and apologize for calling this healing project a "tragic". 

And to long-time Lamar fans, who had been saying, "He already addressed this in Mr. Morale though" for every seemingly scathing bar that Drake dropped during the beef; I finally understand what y'all meant. (Disclaimer: Just because I'm a Kendrick fan now, doesn't mean I'm a Drake hater. Take Care and TML are projects I shall forever hold fondly. But right now, Kendrick has earned my artistic respect in a way no other artist has before. Give him another Pulitzer Prize.)

It matters that Lamar made this album. It matters so much. Life and perspective will never be the same. It has left me with such a huge and healthy paradigm shift. I restate it here once again: "THIS IS GROWN MAN MUSIC".

With love ❤


Cole was lying this was a spiritual awakening album


Kendrick Lamar is healing us all by healing himself and it is beautiful


"sorry i couldn't save the world my friend, i was too busy building mine again...

i chose me, i'm sorry."

a beautiful way to close a chapter narrating the long journey to self acceptance and healing✨


"YOU won't grow waiting on me." And "I realize true love is not saving face, but unconditional." ❤


As much as he's considered a genius from past albums, his writing hit a new level on this album. Every line is meaningful


Perfect ending to a 10/10 album 🫡


Kendrick returned when we needed him most, to remind us all life is worth living.
Thank you brother.


I Never Listened To Kendrick Lamar Until Today; Damn I’m So Impressed.
What A Lyrical Genius.
“I Choose Me, I’m Sorry”
I Wish My Mother Would Have Understood That.
Miss You Mom.


Before the beef, if Kendrick retired after this song, I think my soul will rest easy