
Click here to win my first stage banner! https://banner.camcole.com
Edit: Link fixed now!


Awesome...Hi Cam..looking gorgeous..hugz..Sasha.xx❤


Fairly new to guitar and found you from Ted Lasso! Cant wait to start learning alot of your songs brother youve got a killer sound! Come to USA soon id love to catch a show!


Yes please Cam!  Go Cam Go! :hand-pink-waving:


😂 f**kin love you man!!! ❤️ xo


Thank you Cam 😊 TJ


Awesome 👌🏻 👏




Awesome !!


Je n'ai rien compris ou presque, mais tu es cool ! Continue !


Good cause, I dig it.

Edit: btw, the link you posted directs to a “404 Page Not Found”. Might wanna look into that..


When I click on the link it's spitting 404 error page not found please review cam really would love the banner to hang in my shop for all to admire here in the heart of Kentuckee


💌Cam!! Can i buy a ticket? How and where? I am,alas,from Russia...❣