Lemme know what you think🤌🏿


Appreciate ya’ll beyond words🤞🏿


this yo hardest song fr🥶




Chicago this the music we need 💯❌🔟


Can’t lie I cried real tears when I heard this song the first time!! I’m very proud of you, I know I never met you but I feel like I know you fam. All love, peace and blessings 2 you… Always praying for your safety 🙏🏾Stay being yourself and leading Chicago.


I’m an almost 40 year old man form grand crossing dude and as I am fighting to build my business and legacy out the mud while having a family this right here just picked my spirits up bro you are the definition of grind through the hard season


Bro need a movie deal and record deal at the same time On Guade 💯💪🏾


This is the music that hip hop needs right now. I’m 49 and considered old school…but I’ve been rocking with your music since “Tears for Chicago”.


all praises to The Most High, allowing Koporate to bless us with the summer banger!!! shout out to the 'Crest!!!


Korporate hit different, poetical life coming up from the struggle, hustle hard, juggle harder, diversify your investment opportunities. More targets, more hits! Stay up bruh.


"​​Tax bracket made me question voting for Kamala mo money mo problems" 😮‍💨 🦅🔥


Detroit Michigan here and without A doubt Approved as A Banger.


Been on repeat allllllll morning 🗣️🗣️💯💯


Bro every bar hit!!!


You been raw as hell with the writing. As an artist I respect it. ❤


This record is a whole vibe, been rockin wit ya bruh since 2015.


I love this song 😢 you make me thankful I made it out of Chicago to help the next I’m in Las Vegas family man first 🎉 thank you for keeping me focus 🧘🏾‍♂️ you keep posting I look forward to something to keep my mind off the streets or drugs love you K 🤞🏾💪🏽✝️🤝🏾🙏🏽💯🔥 your a blessing you don’t even know


The beat tho who rocking


Yall not hearing folks fr💯💯💯