I had a similar thought! We should have a government sanctioned non lethal pepper spray that's just strong enough to prevent an attack! Put sensible rules on it's usage with strong punishment for anyone who miss uses it and the government can add tax duty to it as well which would offset the duty they are losing by phasing out smoking and vaping!
You are absolutely right. Truth is though it is easier to ban things than to implement actual change.
You’re absolutely spot on. But our govt doesn’t seem to want it to stop for some reason
I've thought the same thing for wile, your talking absolute sense on this subject the revenue it would generate would be considerable and our country would be safe. Thanks for another great video.
Totally agree 👍
Thank you big man preeeach💯👏🏽 This needs to happen but it could never because of how our countries ran they don’t want the people to have power, just want us to follow behind!
Good points and good solutions in my opinion as how many lives would be saved if businesses and schools had this option
Bang right mate but the government would sooner close there eyes and hope it all goes away and not have to do anything
I've been carrying everyday for about 2-3 years. Couldn't imagine not being able to protect my family/self from evil! I prey that one day your government understands this necessity!🙏
In the US teachers are being trained to use firearms to stop school shootings. In recent years schools in many states had a no-guns rule. Unfortunately that made them an easy target so now some staff in each school are trained in firarms and expected to carry them.
100% right mate, so many states in USA allow open carry now and the crime rate plummeted. If everyone or anyone could be armed enough to hurt you easily it would make any criminal think twice before assaulting.
Excellent idea , this needs to be pursued
Well said said mate, completely agree, the bad people in this country have had it their way for to long, they’ve always known if we defend ourselves it’s us that get punished
Spot on you are right
Your right prepper. Point on the idiots it's simple if they use the pepper spray or tazer simply to attack someone then jail sentence of 5 years minimum depending on circumstances. And make them do the full five years. Also prison should be solitary confinement no playing games no TV no association. It has to be so horrible that people won't reoffend. But you're talking common sense. Politicians don't have that because they don't live on our streets. When was the last politician's child killed my knife crime?
Because Oliver Cromwell disarmed us years ago! Thats why!!
Hi. New here. I totally agree. Ive been there, i was being attacked by a man and I defended myself and i got arrested but equited. Not long after i got a Belgian malinois shepherd dog, PP. Now I have three. I'm a single woman so, no knight in shining armour lol. Best addition to my preps . They protect my home, my boundry and gate, but best of all me. No man has caused me harm since. Highly recommend the breed but, you need to not be off to a nine to five, unless they can come with you, shepherd dog's are best, doing what they do best, looking after their humans. Alot of research and knowledge needed first. 🇬🇧
We're living in police state BAN-IT Britain incase you hadn't noticed.
Well said. - Totally agree!