
I own both. Yamaha is better and my choice.


I chose yamaha


Only yamaha




Yamaha all day


Both for different reasons


I love both


Yamaha ❀❀❀ YouAndMeAreHaulingAss


Evinrude of course πŸ‘‘


Merc because they are more fun to run and look better; both are gonna be maintenance nightmares out of warranty. It’s a boat motor!!


i like yamaha so i chosee yamaha


Yamaha easy




Merc has a better look
....but I am sure happy I bought the Yamaha. Japanese quality.


Now Im definitely a mercury guy but these new Mercury outboards are so stupid looking, that stupid conehead look it just so dumb, and V12 only for a 600HP outboard? Thats ridiculous, yamaha easily takes the win here


Yamaha 200 ecu flash 332 hp best bang for hp cheat code




Mercury gang πŸ‘‡