Inkscape is a good example of what you can achieve if you keep improving what is already there, instead of rewriting everything from scratch.
The WinAmp story is a great example to show people whining "why don't you just make it open source." There's a LOT more involved in open sourcing large software than dumping code files onto a server. Which is actually good – going through the hassle of open sourcing means you're more likely committed to keeping it open, neat and usable.
Wow i cringed hard at the rocky linux part. It basically sounded like "Non profit is outdated! For-profit-self-imposed-non-profit public benefit corporations are the future! and i will be its sole leader! someone has to be and it will be me!" lol. Good episode
It would just make for more sense to just pay for RHEL licensing thank Rocky Linux from CIQ. Seems kinda of pointless.
Ubuntu was a legend in its unity era.
I'm watching this on a Chromebook using Linux on developer mode. Works quite well
CIQ claiming to be not for profit but also registered as a profit company seems sketch. Also one guy owning everything. Not sure about how I would about this as a corporation.
CIQ seems like an LLC which is there to take money and pay the and quickly be outsourced to the rocky linux development company, so the LLC has as little cash to pay as possible, and people still have a legal entity legally liable, but if anything happens, very little money would go from the CIQ LLC to the ones asking for damages. And the price could be that high to have lawyers on-demand.
If your an enterprise and need support you buy Red Hat, Suse, Canonical or Oracle.
The CIQ baffles me!
Amazing my friend! God bless! I am sorry for my english😅
Linux apps on Android Is this thing similar to what WSL on Windows? I first thought its running Linux apps native without a virtual machine, more like WINE I thought. But looks like its similar to WSL.
10:13 AFAIK google intends to move chromOS to an android base sometime in the future.
I wish the Android-Linux integration comes to older Android versions too.
Rocky Linux is basically prepping for ITAR (thus the US stuff)
Ubuntu "cute edition" Budgie is my first gate after migrating to Linux... I think i gonna stay in this flavour for long time as long canonical not do unacceptable things like Microsoft do.
When Gimp 3 will be released, Inkscape will also be Inkscape 3. 🤪
If android adopts wayland imma freak out
Icons form unity 8 are the best! Ubuntu should use that instead of yaru.