
Yes, when we pray and study our bible, we will be alert spiritually and be able to discern


When we were growing, my Dad always tell us his children, to know God ourselves and not someone telling us the acts and ways of God


Yes familiar spirits they know a lot and are very manipulative. Thanks for sharing ❤


Being sharp in discernment is not easy. Many are fooled by familiar spirits. Prayer and staying close to God  are so important! ❤


Oh great topic and concern of the church culture! Super beneficial convo


Hmmmm deep
Familiar spirits is like your household servant. 
We pray for discernment


Thanks you for this eye opening video regarding discernment m, familiar spirit… May the Lord help his people to be sensitive


God bless you my people for the enlightenment


So many do not read the Bible and do not have the knowledge, nor a close relationship with God to be able to discern.  Thank you for this message!


Let us be sensitive as a child of God and don't let any one confuse us with a familiar spirit.  Amen!


Ameeeen may God continue to Use you servant of God.miss you


Unfortunately, people still do this today. God deliver us from using these gifts for evil, and God give us discernment!!!


Having the spirit of discernment is indeed important for our walk with God


Amen great sharing and May God help us all to have spirit of discernment . May we always follow the truth of Bible.


Thank you for making us aware of the operation of familiar spirit’s In churches. It’s so shocking. May we have the spirit of discernment


We must fortify ourselves in prayer.


Even the enemy can imitate the gifts of the Spirit. I agree we must sharpen our discernment, which we can only have through our close walk with God.


Thank you for this eye opening message. "My people get lost because they don't know"


As a believer we need to be able to identify prophecy from divination. 


Thank you for this reminder to pray that the hilt spirit shows us what we need to see!