I am now a nurse but when I was a nurse assistant year's ago I had a patient name Margaret she had no kids... Let's just say I adopted her as my granma she told me she had got a spot next to her sister in the mausoleum and am suppose to take care of her... She had a niece that never visited her but took all her money... Anyways I took care of her, she died march 2016 .. It was a big snow storm I couldn't go back to my job before her body leave because she died around 2:45 am ... I was devastated 3 days after I was driving and I check my rear mirror and she was in the back of my truck... I was frightened for a minute then I said to her " Margaret you can't do this to me I am trying my best " which my best was to come up with the money to bury her, she had already paid for her spot but nobody claimed her body and I fought to have it release to me, she had just $900 in social security which I had them sent to the funeral home.... I buy my house and I have all her paintings in my living room... I still visit her when am sad or hurting... She would have been 93 October 21st... She is resting in peace ....I love you my sweet Margaret.
You know you a paranormal junkie when you're like damn I've seen this too already.
This is probably one of the better videos on Youtube, love exploring the paranormal.
My friend and I were driving back to the Buddhist centre we lived in one night when I spotted a traffic policeman up the road. I took my foot of the gas and at the same time he said slow down police. I replied I saw him don't worry. Well we went around the corner and the road was empty! I asked him what he saw and he described the exact scene I had seen. Interestingly I read in the local paper a few days later that a traffic policeman from the village we were approaching had just killed himself. True story.😮
We have an ol' guy that must have worked here all his life. You only see/hear him at night. He's just a residual. The sounds of him baking, working an oven and a fridge that are not part of our current equipment. Many people wouldn't work at night; but it was kinda nice to have him there. I even occasionally talked to him, though it would have shocked me if he ever looked up, or answered. He doesn't "do" anything. I worry about bigger things than the shadow of an elderly baker.
Saying that ghosts are sick and tired of people going in and asking all kinds of questions about them all the time, is a very good point to make. Very valid.
When I lived in Alaska, My mother and Father would often be at work, so I would stay with my Grandmother quite a bit. She often says I saw other people, mainly a woman and two children. The history of the house before she sold the house was that the father had shot his wife and children before setting the house on fire and shooting himself, which they found out after being told by a local electrician that was there. My grandmother has had a lot of previous experiences prior to that, which her sister has confirmed to me, so I do believe maybe something had happened but I don't know where the house is, if it still stands, etc. I personally don't remember any of it as I was very young and apparently scared about the experiences.
Instead of having the girl there to talk at all, why not just put a sign there says, " you're open to suggestion, you'll see what you want to see"
That UFO stuff in the sky was crazy!
Brilliantly done, I'm blown away!
Where I work there are many spirits. They got my attention just like the one in the bar about drawing attention to a dangerous situation. I am grateful they did because while I didn't see anything off a repairman said it was a good thing I called because if anyone would have turned on this one burner it would have exploded. Very thankful for the warning. They really look out for the place and I actually find them comforting to have around.
If you've ever been touched by something you can't see, it's nothing like being touched by a living person. You try to rationalize it, deny it, but you know what just happened. It's not fun.
I think ALL paranormal investigators should go into a location COMPLETELY blind. No information about the history, no names, no stories. One member of the team and one only, does the research and speaks to eyewitnesses but does not say anything until AFTER the investigation when evidence is being reviewed. This takes away the suggestion element (like what rooms are more active and most frequent types of activity occurs) it would lend FAR more credence to the evidence I think. Like if they’re talking to a spirit with a specific name, and experience certain activity before knowing that 25 other people heard that name, more solid i think
When I was in University, my mom and dad would come to visit, it was a 4 hour drive. Several times they both saw what can only be explained as a U FO! My parents were not crazy nuts either! They were hard working God fearing good people! So, I believed their claims! ❤
I lived in Milwaukee when this UFO happened. And I witnessed the same thing in the skies over North Dakota in 2021 with three other friends present. We all saw it. Bigger light split into several smaller lights that went into a formation. Earlier that night we had been watching as several of what we thought were stars continuously moved in the sky in the same direction, almost as if migrating together. At first we saw one and thought "shooting star," but when others started appearing almost out of thin air, moving slowly and all in line in the same direction...we knew. There has to be people on other planets. We can't possibly believe people only ended up on earth. Also, ghosts are real. I've witnessed things my whole life. As a kid, I didn't understand. But when I got older I started making sense of a lot of what happened and honestly, it scared the shit out of me thinking back on it. That's why I believe everyone should keep a dog.... they sense it before we do.
There are several possible explanations for a glass shattering spontaneously, especially in an antique shop where items may be aged, fragile, or stored under specific conditions. Here are a few possible causes: 1. Vibrations or Small Earthquakes Even minor seismic activity or underground shifts could cause structural vibrations strong enough to stress fragile glass. If the building is near a busy road, railway, or construction site, constant vibrations could weaken the integrity of glass over time. 2. Temperature Fluctuations & Thermal Stress Sudden changes in temperature or direct exposure to heat sources (like sunlight or artificial lighting) can cause glass to expand and contract unevenly, leading to spontaneous breakage. If the antique shop has new lighting or heating systems, it could be affecting the glass. 3. Structural Stress in the Glass If the glass was already weakened due to age, prior damage, or manufacturing defects (like microscopic cracks), it could suddenly shatter due to internal stress. Older glass, especially in antiques, may have tiny imperfections that make it more prone to breakage. 4. Resonance from Sound Waves Certain sound frequencies can cause glass to vibrate at its natural resonant frequency, leading to breakage. If the shop recently installed new security cameras or audio equipment, they could be emitting ultrasonic frequencies. 5. Environmental Factors & Air Pressure Changes A sudden pressure change, such as a door slamming, HVAC system kicking on, or even a strong gust of wind, can cause glass to break unexpectedly. Old buildings with poor insulation may be more susceptible to these fluctuations. 6. Paranormal or Unexplained Phenomena While scientific reasons are the most likely explanation, some antique shops report unexplained activity, possibly due to the history of the objects inside. If weird things are happening, some people might consider it residual energy, spirits, or poltergeist activity. If the shop is experiencing ongoing incidents, it might be worth setting up monitoring equipment, checking the structural integrity of the building, and reviewing any environmental changes (new tech, HVAC systems, etc.). If it's a one-time event, it could just be a coincidence of stress and environmental factors.
I have experienced occurrences thru my life that have made me a believer. We bought a home when I was young that a man had been shot to death in. At this home and property I’ve seen a barn gate on a spring swing open and close when there was not a wind as a child like someone had just walked thru it. I knew how it worked and knew it could not open without a force to put pressure on the coil of the spring. Also came home from school in high school to an empty house parents were both at work 40 miles away nobody else had a key except my sis and I called her and nope not her all doors and windows were secure and the shower in my bathroom was wet and dripping w fog on mirrors as if someone had just got out before I walked in the house. Waking up to a dark figure leaning over me and blink and it was gone. A few other things but these are two that have no other explanation I have ever figured out.
The day I was born my mother, grandmother, and people I've never met, thèÿ told me I haunted, I'm not afraid of the unknown. We are the unknown, energy never dies. I'll see on the other side, love you all