The fact that he waited to get home before eating his McDonald's is the most unsettling part of this whole thing
I mean, you DID ask for just cheese...
I don’t know what you wanted. You asked JUST CHEESE. be glad you had the bun 😂
"Seulement" literally translates to "only" as in "nothing else". So he got what he asked for.
okay guys i’m french and i don’t understand why it’s a problem that he had only cheese in his burger because THAT’S LITTERALLY WHAT HE ASKED FOR
I'm French and I legit thought that this is what you wanted, JUST the cheese
It’s giving “give me a pizza with nothing!”
Today I learned that American and the rest of the world have different understanding of burgers.
Me being european… “Isnt that what you wanted?” Hahahah
I am surprised you still got a bun with it, you literally just asked for cheese🤣
Happened to my friend here in Scotland, she asked for a big mac with just the burgers. We drove home and the only things in the big mac box was 2 burgers. No bun, nothing. Just the burgers. I nearly drowned because I inhaled my diet coke while I was pissing myself laughing. The girl didn't even question it, just gave her exactly what she asked for. Everyone involved in this was Scottish. We all spoke EXACTLY the same way.
The fact that he waited till he got home to check his order is what’s really sending me 😭😭💀💀
I love how all the Europeans are confused and all the Americans are like "oh noooooo 😂"
Me as someone who’s native in French : “didn’t he ask for it? Where is the joke?”
See... I'm European and that's exactly what I thought you wanted...
The whole time I LITERALLY thought he just wanted a slice of cheese and I was so confused-
I thought they were gonna give him “only two cheeses” bc it sounded like he was saying “seulement deux fromages”💀
His accent when he immitates the french people is perfect 😂