மிருதன் Movie சீன் upload பண்ணுங்க டிக் டிக் டிக் அருமையான திரைப்படம் இது எத்தனை பேர் பிடிக்கும் 👌👌👌👌👌
Ravi Mohan nu pera podrathukagave videos re-upload panrainga
0:16 thalapathy ❤
D Imman Just Nailed it🔥
Now you see me Copy😂😂
Now you see me la irundhu 2 teaspoon, armageddon la irundhu 1 tea spoon, aprom other Hollywood movies thevaiyaana alavu. vechu kindina tik tik tik ready 🥰
சூப்பர் மற்றும் அருமையான 👌 மாஸ் சீன் 👌
Nice movie ❤
Jayam ravi😮
Ravi..... Mohan...... சந்தம் சேரவே மாட்டக்கு🤔
சூப்பர் சீன்ஸ்னா இதுதான் சூப்பர்
Obviously a card is very different from a pistol. An object a big as a pistol can't be maneuvered in the manner without being discovered. When you copy content form other movies, atleast show some logic. Copied movies and scenes like this makes Indian movies lose respect.
என்ன டா காமெடி பண்றீங்க 😂
Ravi mohan😂
yaru sir andha ravi mohan 😃
Comedy after watching from Now u see me
Now You See Me 2 (2016) movie scene 🤷🏻
This pretty much sums up the main issue I have with Tamil movies. They are so bad you can't help but watch them all the way through, just to see what the next big stupid idea is. I bet the justification the filmmakers of this movie would give you for why this whole sequence is unbelievable is something along the lines of " Oh but y'all loved Now You See Me 2!".