That never happens to me cuz i always carry a melee
Adrenaline has so many bonuses. Speed boost, acceleration boost, immune to fall stuns and common unfected stuns, unlimited shoves, and a small health boost Edit: also ignores low health penalties
Great tips As always
As NazCoz likes to call it, “Roleplaying The Swing” is essentially when you move your camera with the melee/shove animation in order to warp the melee hitbox. You can use this to your advantage, allowing you to stun CI within a 180-360 degree rotation of you.
And also it revive your teammates and fill up cans faster too!
Oh, I didnt know adrenaline did that
Fun fact: you can reset it by simply going idle, you can also bind a key in console command to do this easily
"Did I ever tell you bout that time Keith tried to deep fry a turkey? Third degree burns over 95% of his body!"
helps alot in realism but again like a madman I learnt how to read the attack animation and shove at the milisecond the attack is about to hit so im decently immune to almost all attacks
Great video, great tip. My personal opinion though is the fact that they shouldn't have put a timer on it to begin with. I feel like they took the main core elements from the first game and just put things on the main course to make the game harder. Take the special infected for example. They literally put the spitter and that way you can't just camp in an area and shoot all the special infected and common... At least that's what it feels like
L4d had an achievemtlent called 'untouchables' which was to move through no mercy campaign without being hit at all, there was a way to use melee shoves to get through the first 3 levels, it was later patched though to include the cooldown timer. Last level was a bit trickier, there was a different 'glitched room' that was used where zombies couldnt register you being on the map
I always carried a Molotov for these situations
On low difficulties you can use a Molotov on your feet to instantly take care of it without taxing much of your health
This is exactly why if I can I will always keep a melee secondary
Am I wrong or does the adrenaline also remove the slowdown effect on your movement from common hits? 🤔
That's Why i carry a Katana in L4D2
I hate the cool down timer on L4D2! So inconvenient. That's one thing o prefer about the first L4D.
Woa after playing that game for 3k hours i didn't know that adrenaline can have unlimited bash 😅
Dang i didn't know Adrenaline gave u more shoves that's even more op for speed running