LIV SANGSTER and REN Lift my spirits on a Dark Day .I've been shouting from the 1st time I heard it .Beautiful and Soulful performance. Never heard a better Jam Session.
I play these jam sessions often before bed. They're like therapy... never fail to relax my brain & put me in a good mood ❤️🔥
Thank you for doing what you do Ren. It's hard to even say that, because that's not quite a big enough statement. I don't see you as just someone who makes's almost like you are simply Music. Your soul absolutely shines so brightly, it's almost blinding. Thank you for holding on. For sharing your gift with us. You've done exactly what you said you would do, made waves and shook the whole world up ❤ lots of love and prayers for your health, from Indiana ❤
These two sound like they are both old souls, I've listened to this more times than I can count. It's truly superb!!!!
The way Ren looks at Liv when she starts singing, is how I imagine I look when Ren starts singing. Its a beautiful thing
You 2 sound great together!❤ I love this! Thanks for the daily Ren dose! Hope you're feeling well!
I would LOVE more of these streams. I listen to this song a lot, it’s amazing.
I love the freestyle singing. Very haunting, especially when you're singing octaves in unison. It'd be great to have Liv on the new album!
improvizacije su možda najbolje .U tom trenutku daješ jako čist izričaj,dio duše. ovo je glas koji obožavam.Moćno Ren.Taj tvoj glas. Hvala na javljanju,svako dobro u budućem radu.
The way he looks at her when she starts to sing is absolutely beautiful ❤
Love Liv - so unique and Ren's voice has an extra edge to it here. Great session, they just seem to be lost in the moment and truly appreciating each other - lovely to see.
Reminiscent of Jeff Buckley. Stunning!
This is breathtaking 😮❤ chills across my whole body it's just amazing
one of my favorites streams ever
That was freaking fantastic. Will you be doing a song with her on your next album? Your voices blend so well!
Love, love, love the Jeff Buckley I hear in this. I can’t get enough of your musical range and talent.
Loved your Twitch streams before leaving to go to Canada…..some great discussions and great music sessions 🔥
❤❤❤ love their collaborations, beautiful!
So pleased to know this. Much gratitude.