I found Ren late one night, and sent the link to my husband - who is the kind of person that could win a quiz show about music. He has collected, read, played and listed to it all, all his life - with 10,000 vinyl records that fill a room and a big part of his life. The next morning I found him crying in his chair. As he wiped his eyes on his sleeve, he said, 'I've heard it all, but I've never heard anything like that'... Hi Ren. We love you.
I am an old woman from Poland. My English teacher's name is Mr. Google translator, so I listen to your songs and understand them more with my heart than with my head. Thanks for the song lyrics under the videos. Such a dessert for later. For reading before bedtime. You're rockin 'man! You are the voice of people who are not brave or talented enough to show the world what eats them from the inside. My pain has a melody now, my fear has finally found its rhythm. THANK YOU❤️❤️❤️
One thing I've learned from the comments is that there's old people from all over the world listening to Ren. Generational this guy.
I am shocked how brilliant and talented this guy, Ren, is. Enormously humbling.
“…pupils dilate in the dark, people die late in the dark…” Incredible lyrics, well done and thank you sir!
Been alive sixty four years, through many different music genres, I got tired a of it all, nothing fresh, just re hashed junk for newer generations. This guy is incredibly talented in so many ways the best ever, I hope the music industry doesn’t spoil it all for him. Keep at it Ren you have a gift
Didn't matter how many takes we did of this, every time that little high pitched melody chorus came in it made me grin quietly with a shiver down my spine
I will never get over how beautiful his singing voice is😭😭😭
Definitely the best at switching genres!. An his lyrical word play on real topics is next level honestly blunt!.
There is nothing more captivating than a soul baring itself for all to see.
Today my mom called me to say that she can’t stop listening to Ren, I’ll make sure she’s up to date with this brand new precious piece❤
As someone with peripheral neuropathy and 14 diff conditions including organ failure, that neuropathy line hit hard, after suffering from the age of 23-34 I've waited 11 years for the lyric "life is ironically fucking me chronically!"💖💖
I love the acoustic versions that Ren does, they are just gorgeous. ❤
at 49 it is my opinion that Ren is the greatest artist in the last 200 years .... I would go so far as to say his words, his delivery and his heart seat him at the level of prophetic status!!
2:31 the way that man looks at you; we all looks at you that way; admire ! full of respect. Love you Ren and thank you ❤
Freddie Mercury, Michael Jackson, Kurt Cobain, 2pac... these artists have transcended art through their music. And come about once in every life time. Ren YOU are part of that very same group and I never thought I'd live long enough to hear another legend. Thank you for the music mate.
Man this song has quickly became one of my favorites
I’ve never in my lifetime seen a musician that , no matter their ages, musical preferences, income, skin color,etc -can all relate to and appreciate Ren! Amazing! Laura frm Baltimore Md. USA
Not sure how I missed this live version but I am glad I found it now. Top Shelf all the way.