I can’t even explain how fire this song is
Putting aside the fact that this boi is cooking bangerz one after the other. Ren's ability of using and playing with english language/british culture is out of this world "grabbing my William, this is my sonnet". Love it. And Viktus voice is beautiful, so visceral and dark, everything is very balanced. Another banger on the menu 🔥
ren puts out so much music how can you not love and respect him for that alone!!? Legend! keep putting out fire!
I think this is my favorite song of Ren's... And I love most all! This one is AWESOME!
Your ability to create a catchy tune with lyrics that are a mix of feelings, issues and pop culture is just next level
How do you manage to make each song catchier than the last? You are a magical boy for sure. Love the Vik collab.
The fact that ren can use multiple topics troughout the song is so underrated. He references films, tv shows, characters, anime and people and everything is so well put thogether that you know he thought in every single word to make this piece of art. Much love from Portugal Ren ;)
I now get butterflies as soon as I see the words “REN” and “UPCOMING” on YouTube. It’s like going to a concert that you already know you are going to LOVE, even if you have never heard all the songs performed yet. Us fans all know it’s going to be the most cleverly written and thought-provoking material mixed with a unique, surprising sound. Gotta pay it back to you Ren, for all this joy you provide for free, with support for whatever you sell. 💕 Love the SickBoi jacket btw, and can’t wait to hold the album.
I've only listened to three different songs so far, each one selected randomly, each one a different genre, talent and character. Well done mate - look fwd to seeing you in Canada.
HELL YEAH!! 🔥🔥🔥 driving home from work.. Car IS PUMPING !! What a way to start my weekend.
I must say as a 54 year old man .I have been performing since I was 13. You are the best performer I have ever seen. Thank you !
I watched the Viktus Interview on YouTube. Man that guy has dragged himself out of hell & found a grace, a joy for life that is infectious. I think this will be another time that Ren introduces us all to someone deserving of attention.
Ren did it again and Viktus killed it 🔥🔥🔥Thank you both!
I just want to say something about you and your video, REN . Most videos have always had blocks of captions in sentences already out. YOU are one of those artists that made your videos so deaf-Friendly. Not only does you use written lyrics, but the words are TIMED to the words you make with your voice. It allows me to fully appreciate YOUR timing and rhythm!!! So much deeper. Thank you, REN!! P.S. Don’t let what I just said lock you into one format. Be creative what YOU want I still appreciate you and your work!
No genre seems to be off the table for Ren. I thi k he IS a genre. Bravo...again!
Cheers, Ren ! Love watching you crush with the many styles and risks you take in your music. Peace and blessings, friend ! ✌️
I'm still waiting for you to make an average song. It hasn't happened yet. To maintain such a high standard in your work is a testament to how talented you are.
What can I say that hasn't been said. But as a lifetime lover of hardcore metal and punk, I haven't loved anything as much as I LOVE everything you do. And here is another bouncy happy (?) song that makes me unable to resist dancing. Suffering from Fibromyalgia for so long that's REALLY a very big deal. Much love and support from PA 💜
Splendida 🎉🥳