A guide for “nour: play with your food”?
Hey IBadDriverI, please accept my heartfelt Super Thanks for this fantastic Platinum guide and all the hard work you've put in to help us on our journey to achieving those challenging Platinums. Your dedication is truly appreciated! :face-red-heart-shape::face-red-heart-shape::face-red-heart-shape:
Thank you! Took me 3 hrs to plat and really enjoyed the art style. I didn't expect to fail the platforming sections so embrassingly however 😅 Looking forward to the next one...
I’m finding the jumping on vines ridiculous for the precision, she keeps moving around and I jump off on crazy angles!
Thanks a lot pal! I owe you another one!
Great timing, I just downloaded this last night out of curiosity
Thank you. Another Platinum in the books.
Checked out the guide for some help on the Orbs. Very much appreciated. Had already started the game before seeing you could play on Story mode and gotta admit I'm glad I did. Game was pretty hard on Normal, but fun and I really enjoyed the visuals, settings and the history lesson on a Religion I know little about. These days I'd much rather play a shorter game that might not be the most polished than some never-ending slog. Kinda shocked to see so much dislike for it in the comments. My game didn't get bugged and the rare platform death wasn't an issue because the checkpoints were fine. But to each their own.
Mom I want Prince of Persia We got Prince of Persia at home Prince of Persia:
easiest platinum I've done in a while, thank you for this guide. now to do the same for the xbox and ps4 versions as well for the easy trophies/gamer score
Toller Guide ❤lichen Dank
Another amazing platinum guide. Spot on.
Thanks so much for the guide. GOD Bless you and yours!
Thank you one of the best guides I've seen
Thanks Bad Driver great walkthrough
Great timing bro I know only you can upload this platinum🎉
Thank you for adding time stamps to your vids. -Sub
I've already played this on PS4 but with the addition of a Platinum on PS5 I might play it again. It's a decent game. Edit: I see one hot kills is not working for some people. It was the same with me but what I think may be the issue is that there’s actually two separate difficulty selections, one in settings and another when you start a new game. I think you need to avoid selecting Easy in the settings as well as Story. I selected both when I first started and one hit kills wasn’t working, but starting a new game on the normal default difficulty then selecting Story seemed to activate one hit kills.
Great guide man..thank you