
Just ordered a 1911 and while I'm comfortable shooting different firearms and taking them down, I've never messed with a 1911. This video definitely helped! Definitely a far cry from my revolvers and striker fired pistols, but not overly complicated.


The 1911 was the first Hand Gun I learned how to Field Strip (in the US Navy 40 years ago), so I am happy that you posted this. It is nice to see it all apart again. Thank you.


I have more than one of that exact model and your disassemble video is spot on. Would be nice to see a reassemble video.


Thanks for field stripping the 1911.  It is amazing how many people have one, but do not know how to strip and clean one properly.


Just got my first 1911. I new I could count on you guys to help me break it down for the first time.


Im 14 years old and have gotten disassembly amd reassembly of a M1911 down to a minute and 30 seconds.


just bought one, and didnt realize til i got home from the range, that i had no idea how to field strip it lol thank goodness for youtube and quick inforative vids like this!!


I just got one of these from my dad...couldn't remember how to disassemble it.  Thanks for the video.  My brother also has one and his goes back together more easily.  His slide catch has the slightest bit of rounding on the lever, which allows it to go back together smooth.  Mine requires a bit of finesse.


Not many appreciate the marvel of engineering it is. Very nice video btw


Clear, concise and to the point.  Thank you for your help.


Thank you from a new colt 1911 70s series owner


Thank you! I am just learning how to do this on my Colt 1911 Gold Cup National Match Series 70 I inherited from my father.


One small note, you should take the gun out of battery before rotating the bushing


this is one of the nicest guns i know ..


It's been a long time since I stripped mine down, this helped refresh my memory. Just don't want to fire it anymore, it's too old.


Hopefully people would reassemble it in reverse order. Too many fine 1911's scarred with the "idiot scratch."


Thats a great little infovid - thanks for doing that. I have the KSC airsoft 1911, that is the Colt 100th anniversary special and it strips down in exactly the same way. With it being officially licensed by Colt, it seems they wanted as much realism in the airsoft version too. I wish I could own a real steel 1911, unfortunately I like in the UK where real handguns are completely banned. Deactivated ones will be banned next year too if Europe has its way (Along with airsoft RIFS).......


Next week can you put it back together? :)


Nice video. Rented 1 at the range and loved how they shoot. Haven't shot in a while but this is a quick refresher on field stripping


Thank you for this I just inherited my fathers colt 1911 🤙🏾