
Go See Shane Live in AB / CT / WA / GA / PHL and more  @ https://www.shanemgillis.com/
Go See Matt Live in SAN JOSE / PHOENIX / PORTLAND / TYSONS VA / NYC and more @ https://mattmccusker.com/dates/

Go See Lemaire Lee Live in NJ / Mass / And More @ https://www.tiffscomedy.com/shows/269068
Go see Shawn Gardini if you want in San Diego / Tacoma / Spokane / Tempe / SLC @ https://www.shawngardini.com/

Go See Optimum Noctis at The Creek and The Cave in ATX on August 6 @ https://www.creekandcave.com/events/optimum-noctisvb6dfszg51bdq3z3wnu4ptljon3i


Shane and Billy look like they are 2010 vloggers talking to future Matt in 2024.


Bets on Shane and Billy playing footsie under the monitor


Matt looking through red, Shane and Billy basking in red. Pure Transmissions through cyberspace. Angles of the prism.


Shane and Bill sitting in the β€œIt’s 8 am and we’re finishing the eight ball” room


Matt getting excited when shane called him jacked was hilarious πŸ˜‚


Lord, we needed this one to drop.


We needed Billy more than ever


Shane & Bill sitting on a couch, clearly staring at Matt on a TV is so damn hilarious, we need more eps like this.


Matt is in stunning 12K and Shane and Billy are broadcasting from the moon in 1969...


"I wonder if anyone from my high school thinks I'm gay because I'm not"
2 seconds later: "These are nice curtains aren't they?"


Shane & Billy giving chat roulette/omegle creepers with the cool guy lighting and camera angle πŸ˜…


Matt looks like pat and John mcafee morphed into one man


What a time to be a Matt and Shane fan. 
Throw in a baby Billy and we got ourselves a stew.


Shane really had matt move to Austin.  Just to immediately go back to philly.  πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚


It's so funny that this is the podcast setup of the most successful comic in the world right now


Last Podcast was great but Matt retelling it to Billy and Shane is even funnier πŸ˜‚


That picture in the background of matts camera is every dawg in the galaxy praying for new episodes


Billy and Shane sitting together in a dimly lit room, setting a certain mood πŸ‘€πŸ‘€


Bill doing the β€œI had some help” or β€œI need some help” bit is killing me. Nobody acknowledging it makes it better