Watching the "are you burnt out" video was like a checklist of my current situation. Thanks for this followup video!
Man, you helped me to understand what was my problem in my life with c-PTSD and explained it so well in all your series, so in the end i finally went to my therapist after 2 years - thanks to you! (I commented it before) And now you deliver me the key I couldn't grasp all the time, that I was massively burned out and stubborn enough to keep pushing me on wondering why my brain always shut off... with kind of freeze, brain fog and even already tourette like effects... Somehow this hint helped me now to know what to do. "The child has now a name" we say in Germany. I don't know why - but maybe I can somehow allow me now to be more gentle to myself and pause the self-pushing for a while. Thank you for not stopping making your Videos! And even if we a crashed somehow - i think of the Japanese "Kintsugi" - where the broken things get even more beautiful when repaired. Or it is comparable to move to another apartment - it is a good chance to sort things out... - AND make them more beautiful. Hopefully. I would lie if I would say I am already there yet - the inner whale is still stranded, but managed to crawl back a bit back in the water waiting now for the tide to come - I am on my way! Big hug from my heart!
I think I'm in my 3rd or 4th burnout since my early 20s. I am having a real hard time coming out of it this time. This time I am having physical health issues as well not just mental and emotional. I do hope I am able to get out of it this time and learn these tools to not burn out again.
"No" is the most powerful word in the English language ...
It took me 7 years in total to get out of burnout. 2 years abstinence from alcohol. And beforehand 5 years of fading it out to occaisionally only. With the last hangover I decided to stop alcohol. No more. Never again. From there my body and brain started working better to get out of depression. Now I bought a new laptop and along with administrative work it's gonna help to establish my whole life's story and literaly put my life, the tragedies, the traumas, but also the good memories in order. Like never before. And my art. 5 years ago I was freezing in a tent under a rainy forest with 30K debts. I promised and vowed myself "this never again". And I can be very proud of what I have achieved from there. I'm looking for a job now, so I'm even changing my sleeping pattern beforehand to get back to work.
I go to my wife for everything. I need all these routines, every time you speak, its like yoir speaking about my life.
Thank you so very much from all my heart for sharing. This helps me immensely. I've been in physical and emotion burnout for years. I find I often have to push beyond my limits despite my ptsd and medical conditions for years now as i have no family or support. My immune has crashed too, ive had an infection for 6 mths and bodys not fighting it off. But this has helped me know what to do so I can make some changes to take care of myself and my needs. Thanks again, bless you.❤🙏💐🤗🌼
Love Tim's work, and the awareness it has brought me, however I suspect my first stress burnout was age 9 and since then at 54 I have had episodes of depression and burnout becoming more regular to the point that I am afraid of taking on work at the level I am qualified for after more than 15 separate incidents of depression. Think I need rebirth! 😎👊
Thank you Tim❤
Please cover C-PTSD induced from workplace
Tim, your lectures have helped me so much! Thank you. I want to comment on this statement of yours: Once you burn out, you become more fragile and it takes a bigger toll each time. There's a way to handle that. In eastern meditation practices, you can pierce deep through the subconscious and heal. We consider the mind to be neuroplastic. And capable of reconnections. You can rewire yourself to be healthy. I've seen yogis do remarkable things. They even work for 10 to 12 hours a day for years or even decades on end and never burn out.
Thank you for sharing this. I needed this more than you can imagine. I’m so burnt out, I’ve been in rest mode/ shit down for over a year now. I couldn’t go on anymore in the same way.
Tim, I joined your channel today - you have already made such a valuable contribution to my healing and pursuit of wellness - thank you! You are a blessing! Looking forward to what's to come!
Thank you Tim Fletcher. It helps a lot and thank you. Can you so a special about the dangers of psychiatric medications. They are very dangerous and often given out as a cure, and the problem is that they are not a cure, coming off of them can be deadly without a tapper, and they often cause mania and/or disinhibition. Add that to the problems that were there in the beginning, and an often changed personality (one of the things that ssri's actually do predictably) and this equals despair and hyperexcitement that is sort of like on novocaine.
I cried while listening.
God yeah me too.
everything you address in your videos help so much!
I never really had a name for what I’ve been going through but I guess this is it. It doesn’t help with my thyroid shutting down, many of the symptoms are the same which no doubt complicates things more for me. Whether it’s all of the self help books I had read in the 90’s or podcasts I had listened to for the first few years, I don’t know which. But luckily I’ve been taking the steps you have outlined here already. So at least my brain is working-yay. It’s been almost 3 years of what I think was relationship burn out. Bad after bad over the years. But work has been my safe place-where I know what’s expected of me. That’s one area that has been good for 19 years now. I still have a few triggers but I’ve been feeling better and wanting to do more. I pace myself bc of my thyroid but it certainly helps with the burnout. Staying single has helped me immensely. I can’t be anyone’s anything anytime soon. Thanks for the advice as always!
If its nurse burnout does there have to necessarily be core issues? I feel like with nurse burnout the external stressors are enough to burn anyone out. Not to say I don't have core issues. Its just with nurse burnout I never felt more spiritually, emotionally, physically exhausted in my life; its like my soul got sucked out of me. And then I dont have anything left in me for my at home life.