I love how he always creates this intensely awkward suspense that’s makes the whole show feel more magical
I’m like 98% sure David Blane had discovered real magic, told no one, and became a magician for a career — HES A WIZARD.
I loved that Ellen asked if he was ok. He has put his body through a lot over the years.
I saw david blaine tv special when i was 13 years old. That was the first time i get to know about street magic and made me interested in it. Now i am 33 and he is still blowing my mind. David is a legend
Can we ask him to make DJT disappear?
Trick Explained: 1:18 he never puts the ring in his mouth, he also never swallows it. He does slight of hand to make us think it’s in his mouth. Where does it go? I don’t know that much, but it’s still in his hands. 3:14 The hangar is introduced. Notice how throughout this whole thing he keeps interrupting his truck by using a funny shirt, tequila, eating glass, it’s all to make us pay attention to the distractions, all while the hangar is in his hand and he’s slooowly opening it. 4:40 Pay attention to how he holds the hangar throughout this trick. Only grabbing it from the opening, the only place something can be slipped into it. 5:37 Ok here is the magic part, he distracted us with a broken glass, and we pay attention to Jimmy inspecting the glass. In this moment the camera moves away from David, for a split moment he walks away to “grab the latex gloves” but really in this quick moment, he puts the rings through the coil of the hangar and slips it in. 5:53 Here we notice he is holding the hanger way different than the rest of the video, he is holding firmly on the top of the opening, where the ring is already in. 6:00 Remember the ring is already in his right hand/inside the hanger. He’s hiding it with his grip. As he’s inserting the hangar down his throat, he covers his mouth when he gets to the end because THATS when he lets go of the ring and lets it drop in his mouth. 6:07 As she is pulling out the hangar, he is holding back the ring with his lips, forcing the ring to end up at the end of the hangar, making it look like the ring was always down there. Of course this only works because David Blaine trains in physical extremes. He is truly able to swallow a hangar, he’s also able to truly chew glass. All this makes the trick work.
David Blaine, one of the greatest, if not the greatest, magician of his era. Incredibly talented and incredibly humble.
Think he could make the ORANGE MENACE dissappear ?
Dudes a real life wizard
G holding the tequila bottle at the end is just funny. 😂
David is amazing. I love him so talented.
Those JNCO Jeans....🤣
That's just so bizarre and awesome! David Blaine just always amazes!
I love how he also make the band do the drum roll exactly when he was about to so the trick is almost as they have rehearsed before 😊
I like how everytime a new magician comes out thats mind blowing i feeel like david blaine comes back and says yeah but remember i know real magic🤣
6:58 ellen looking at the tequila glass that she was thinking about to drink it after the magic performance..
literally amazing
Yay! I always enjoy Blaine's stuff. I like his happy mode!
3:52 Ellen: "Why you looking at me?" 🤣🤣