Ooo commit's pressed. Shoulda remind him that he's been playing this game every single day since release and grinding the leaderboard but still gets rolled by a dude who causally boots this game up every other week.
W strats love the content shawk keep grinding ❤
Why u bullying them? XD
Throwing the cash box far to avoid them cashing out to farm kills was lowk hilarious to watch 😂
was waiting for the entire scrim sesh to be uploaded, very interesting decision to include 2 clips of the scrims then fill it up with quick cash clips lmfao. Shoulda included the matches you guys won...
Bro shawks, I don’t know if u remember but u where killing our team crazy, I was the (ZenixPrem dude). U killed the whole team 18 time and got to like 30 kills. But we’re prob not in the vid but we were flabbergasted. 😂😂
It's old tech that u guys just found out about I've been grappling into portals since the game game out works the same
Commit and lamp weren’t ever that good anyway 😂
I was expecting more scrims not just 2 clips but sick tech tho.
Commit owns you bro
bro we are in season 5 😅
That teleportation method wasted more time setting it up then it would just jump pad there normally 😂
I hope famas gets red dot
teleportation tech and its just portal 2 gameplay
Doesn’t it ever get boring never being challenged? You’re playing people with 181 wins. You should enter some pro scrims and see how you do. That would make for some good content
wheres the credit to tbovvy
Is pro league for finals even a thing