
32:00 diddy gon have a field day with this


Top comment is gay


I think this good


Bro the name of the first town is foltyn😂


2:44 danganroma blood


Nice :))))


Possibly the greatest alchemist of all time


That  lake


The name is Possibly the Greatest Alchemist of All Time


Why did the God make him the an ssss rank like all anime 😂😂


True and why does every blacksmith in a anime look the same


Can you make the second season of 100 girlfriend


0:01 not even 10 seconds in n bro is already getting cooked 💀


اشتقنالك يا عم ❤


This videos always do SSSS rank 😂


W video!!!


1second in and i already here roasting


Someone got his reboot card


What anime name