7:21 to 7,28: ''The key to maturity is to become humble, which consists of knowing our limitations and getting the help we need.''
This was a great listen. With the battle between “what a masculine man is, what a feminine woman is” people always forget to remember that we are first, human beings
Excellent. As Nietzsche says, Man's maturity: to have regained the seriousness that he had as a child at play.
reminder to all my angels in the comments to never place your self worth in how much attention you get from strangers or even your loved ones. the strongest relationship you will have in this life is the one you have with yourself. don’t shut others out but forgive yourself, forgive them. have empathy and watch it all wash over you. it took me so long to wrap my head around this, but if i can figure out how to love myself so can you !!!! ❤
“Freedom is what you do with what’s been done to you.” That’s a gold-star quote.
I think that inside every adult is the heart of a child. We just gradually convince ourselves that we have to act more like adults. - Shigeru Miyamoto
I swear this channel, along with Academy of Ideas, are two of the best, most comprehensive and in-depth channels that exist. Every time I watch Eternalised's deep dives into psychology and philosophy I feel like I die a little and then are born again a new, better man and a human being.
The true alchemists do not change lead into gold; they change the world into words.
I agree. There is a lack of good male role models. Fathers who actually speak to and ask questions of their sons. Helicopter Moms and absent fathers. Social media is taking over the role of parenting. I feel sorry for young men today. And the women can’t find a mature man. But social media is affecting women as well. People aren’t meeting each other naturally. In person anymore. Very sad.
Every video essay of yours has me feeling terribly and wonderfully seen. I'm grateful for your efforts and insight, keep it up man, the world NEEDS this.
I’m deeply grateful for the divine randomness of the world that led you to create this channel and present such complex ideas for those of us who seek knowledge but feel too lazy to discover it on our own. You truly have changed peoples lives. Thanks.
This is juicy, juicy wisdom-- I appreciate all that you do and all that you are. 🐝 Blessed Bee
IDK where I would be at without this channel, honestly. I used to casually read Jung as a teen, and it was foundational. But this channel not only reminded me of this, but has grown my understanding quite a lot. Thank you. This is one of the best youtube channels there is.
i love it when your videos have me thinking of people in my life who strongly align with certain imbalanced archetypes, and then you put the light on my own imbalanced archetypes and i get humbled real quick. this i appreciate a lot 👏🏽
It’s been 2 years since I saw your video about puer aeternus and from that point in time my inner journey begin. It’s kinda funny that it started simply as shadow work instructed by Carl Jung, where I ventured deep inside to face my unconscious, and somewhat lead me to find God in my life. What started as a mere autotherapy evolved into a full blown odyssey which continues to this day. This video that you uploaded now, from my point of view stands like a milestone of my progress, even a guidepost of sorts 😅 showing me what is still lurking ahead and what I already managed to get through. Thank you for your work and insight you give me with each video you upload, your work is truly remarkable ❤ Have a good one and may God bless your soul 👌
Maturity is freedom from conditioning - Jiddu Krishnamurti
I'm currently close to achieving my undergraduate degree and have reached a low point of confidence over the past couple months. The timing of your video is impeccable and you really helped me learn something new about myself because of the realization of these types of masculine traits men constantly battle with and aim to strive for positively. Thank you for sharing this knowledge and providing awareness I didn't know I was in need of.
This is the best video I have ever seen, in around 15 years of watching YouTube. I've watched it twice already. You are one of the great thinkers of this generation.
This is literally the 2nd or 3rd time you've made a video about a book I was in the middle of reading. We're on the same path my friend! Keep up the great work!