
I was cool with this one going into effect.


Honestly if people want to serve our country, I’m fine with them making that sacrifice regardless what’s going on down in their pants


Maybe we should just elect judges instead. It'd save a lot of problems.


Listen if I can’t join the military because I have asthma how can you let someone join that doesn’t even know if they’re a male or a female that’s very concerning and contradicting how these judges are trying to make things work that’s very dangerous for the other troops also you have these little small district court judges trying to block entire country policy and that can’t happen. Trump just needs to take this up to the Supreme Court


>republicans: "PARTY OF LAW AND ORDER"
>looks inside
>"Ignore federal judges!"
every single time.


We need new legislation enacted to remove advocate judges rather than long crazy process of impreachment. Its not "good behavior," which is required to sit as a judge per the constitution...


Did not realize federal judges were now Commander in Chief....


Can you imagine 🦅 defending the country 😮


Hey why arent you with ms rachel singing songs right now?




Don’t care lol 😂