
No talk of HPs, torque or 0-100 figures. Only passion for creating perfect bodywork. Gotta love the Italians ❤️


Now this is the Petrolicious we know and love. Great job.


" con la passione si arriva lontano", il senso della storia di questa azienda sta in queste parole.


I don't understand Italian, but listening to this old gentleman speak is just glamorous.


I miss Italy so much. Glad I had the opportunity to live there, learn the language and culture. I use to help my neighbor with restoring Lambretta's and Moto Guzzi's. He use to own his own repair shop in Pordenone until he retired in 2005.


Humility always accompanies true greatness and genius .. this gentleman completely embodies this


listening the voice in italian and being able to understand it makes it even better


Please make a series of movies of some sort...absolutely amazing . ive seen this vid almost 4 times and still watching and want more of this stuff,i hid in the garage to work on my car now


I love metal working videos and this made me happy. That is amazing craftsmanship and sadly a lost and almost forgotten art in a computer world.


This is probably the most relaxing, most instructive and at the same time most exciting video I've watched so far on youtube! 
We all need to acknowledge that this is the pinnackle of restoration.


I loved that. Thankfully I can understand most of it with my Medium level Italian. Bravo


Professioni d'altri tempi - che meraviglia l'arte della carrozzeria affiancata ad una passione senza limiti. 


Reminiscent of the original Petrolicious format...bravo!


Per una volta si vedono giovani al lavoro in queste carrozzerie storiche, spero vadano ancora avanti a lungo. Notevole anche la pulizia dell’ambiente, alto livello.


Ho la pelle d'oca.
Uomini incredibili e questo è l'ennesimo video che finisce troppo troppo presto.


I didn’t understand anything , and yet it was so compelling to watch - pure mastery of the craft


I have the utmost reverence for the people who can do this kind of work. I'm out here trying to slap together a B5 Audi with GT28's I bought online like a caveman and this gentleman is producing art at the highest level.


I got SO much from this video.... and I didn't understand a single word he said. 💙


In Italia esistono ancora realtà artigiane meravigliose. Bellissimo video, grazie


Beautiful. Hope this craftsmanship never dies.