One thing about being single is that you can do whatever you want to whenever you want to. There is a lot of joy in that especially after living with someone most of your life. Your flowers are beautiful!!
I like how you have breathing space in your videos. What I mean is, you don’t talk all through the video. Sometimes, you just let the music play while we watch you do something. I think it shows a certain craftsmanship and confidence in your own product. You don’t have to fill up the silence with over-explaining.
My biggest realisation after learning to say no (around the age of 50) was that I didn't have to give an explanation for my refusal. If its a social invitation I just say, 'I won't be attending but thanks for thinking of me. I hope you have a wonderful time.' Most people accept this (my friends know me well!). Occasionally people will be persistent but I stand my ground. It took a while to become skilled at this but it has cut down on sleepless nights/obsessing about commitments I felt obliged to make. It was quite liberating!
An introvert myself but was caught up prioritizing others first. It's been 5 years since I slowly embraced self care. Nowadays, when people ask me what is keeping me busy, my answer, " I'm busy with self care." 😀 Really love you space ❤
At this point of my life I realized it is not always about “doing” but “being.” Thank you for this video Benita! Thank you for the continue inspiration.
Now that I am a empty nester , I really enjoy having the house quiet. Being an introvert myself, my favorite thing to do is curling up with a good book with my elderly toy poodle by my side. I meet a small group of friends once a week and that is enough socializing for me. I left my high pressure nursing job 12 years ago which was the best decision I ever made. I really look forward to your videos and they always give me great ideas 😊
Your videos are definitely part of my self-care routine.😊 I just enjoyed this one with a good cup of coffee while the sun was shining into the room and the birds were already chirping spring songs in the tree outside the window. And the paper flowers you made look absolutely stunning! ❤
Unfortunately I learned the hard way through a cancer diagnosis. Now self care is mandatory but I'm enjoying the slower pace. Your channel is so inspiring.
Yo creo que si vives sola es más fácil mantener el orden que si vives con familia ,pero el video me ha gustado y ha sido de gran ayuda
I’m like you: I place my smaller objects in various trays, boxes and baskets. It looks good and is more practical when cleaning.
I've been single for twenty years. All those tips take a lot of conscious work. Our lives may look calm from the outside, however all others see is the calm, not the work it took to get there. The married women I know don't have to do the things we do, car repairs, home repair, talking to and organising trades people, so many things. So not only have we organised a calm space, but we are doing way more than those in a couple.
Benita- I love your videos & look forward to our alternate Tuesday visits. I agree with all of your self-care suggestions. Most are easy & practical. You, however, have an advantage that most people do not. You live in a country where basic needs are considered important to the citizen’s well-being: healthcare, good transportation, education etc. This is not about politics; it’s about how a society is created. Maslow’s pyramid identifies these as “basic needs”. We can’t progress to self- fulfillment unless those needs are met. Where we live plays a huge role in our ability to care for ourselves. You are most fortunate to live in a country that places a priority on the basic needs of its citizens. (I love learning about your personal style as well as your culture.)
You’ve done it again Benita! Just as I needed a reminder of all those things that make life so much better, I’m sure you’re telepathic 😊
I understand and completely agree and relate to your beliefs. My favourite thing to do is relax with a cup of tea after cleaning and decluttering my surroundings.
❤ I said no to working after hours last month. It just got worse and worse doing more and more hours. More time for walks in nature. ❤
Hello from a kindred spirit in Oregon USA ☺️ I look forward to every one of your videos & appreciate your natural genuine authentic self! Your videos feel like a visit with a dear old friend! Thank you 🙏! I am 67 …married with 2 daughter & their family’s close by and a small slew of grandkids in and out of my house a lot of the time … so my home never looks as tidy but your inspiration has help me move closer to a very trim uncluttered more organized lifestyle with a gentle pace. Which has made me so much happier overall! My favorite part of your videos is how your energy & courage to embrace & live this way … is the living demonstration for me …so I get to see it …not as a theory .. but the beautiful life of it …. LIVED through you. It’s simply beautiful & appealing & attractive!!
Those little white flowers were simply beautiful. What an eye you have. Beautiful video as always 🌿
Du hast ja sooo recht Benita, eine aufgeräumte Wohnung, wo wenig rumsteht, dann hat man auch einen ruhigen Geist. Und, man sollte öfters mal Nein sagen. Ich habe mal gelesen, daß Wort Nein, ist ein ganzer Satz... Für das eigene Wohlbefinden. Danke, für dein tolles Video! 👍🌸
So happy it was a Benita Tuesday! Great tips - grouping items and corralling them in a container is such a great idea I’ve learned from you- makes a big difference! The paper daisies 💕- beautiful! xx