Spiritually I'm a "prep for EVERYTHING!!" But physically I'm too poor to stock next weeks food. C'est la vie.
my dad was a level 2.5 doomsday prepper. he died in 2022 and clearing out his hoarder home by myself was really difficult and interesting. a box of mac and cheese had a false bottom for ammo. he had the go bags but everything expired. he saved medications, like 15 year old leftover antibiotics from dental work. so old they could just as much harm you as help you at that point. he spent so much time, money and energy toward being prepared it really held him back in life. it didnt give him much comfort or solace. it was an attempt to control something you can't. an anxiety rabbit hole. then once you have a stockpile you are afraid of being raided or attacked for it.
The only “Doomsday” prepper I ever saw that made sense was a Survivalist, he didn’t hoard supply’s or ammo, he made a good point that in the apocalypse ammo and supply will run out quick, instead he knew how to hunt, forage, build shelters, and craft his own arrow and spears.
Dude. The half floor people are going to revolt against the two floor people so fast. You're building class disparity into your doomsday shelter from the get go. No way that turns out well.
I remember there was an episode where the preppers' doomsday strategy was to become post-apocalypse raiders and pillage from everyone else. But they were all comically overweight, so it just accentuated the LARP
Fun fact: The hide under your desk thing for schools for nukes Was because if theyre outside the evaporation Radius and within the shockwave they dont get glass and debris launched into their face
I thought I was a level 1 prepper at the beginning, but apparently, I'm level 3, according to the video. When I was in the military, I'd take the stuff no one wanted from everyone's MREs and save them for an emergency. Everyone thought I was weird until we were left high and dry during the ice storms in Texas for a couple of weeks, and I still had food. People think the government will come and save you during an emergency, but they can barely save themselves. You don't have to go crazy but having 2-3 weeks of food, water, and toiletries for the family will make a big difference when a disaster happens.
Being a level 1 prepper should be standard honestly having a first aid kit and emergency supplies for at least a week will at worst improve your quaility of life during an emergency. Level 2 is understandable if you live further from the city road becomes unusable because of an enviromental factor it will take a long time for the city to get out and fix it
Grew up Mormon in Southern Utah, Mom was a hardcore prepper and for the entirety of my childhood I legit thought that the world was gonna end by the time I became an adult. Thought I was gonna have to raise my family in the woods and fight off one world order soldiers. She had a moment of clarity when she told me to go to college and I said "what's the point if the world is gonna end soon?" Fifteen years later things toned down, she ditched the doomer forums, fixed her marriage, I went into the trades (fuck college), got married and have two kids now, turns out Mom and Dad had a really rocky marriage that gave her anxiety that she thought she could fix with doomsday prepping. Still, all that stockpile came in clutch during the 2008 crash and covid. Moral of the story: the world ain't gonna fuckin end, but get yourself a nice windfall for when times get tough
My mother in law is big on prepping. I love doing it as an activity but i dont really stock like she does. I never really got it until my fiance and i were incredibly low on money because i took time off due to my mom passing and then got COVID. She stopped by and kindly gave us a bunch of amazing tasting and healthy food she had freeze dried. Soups, veggies, fruits, etc. It was so incredinky helpful and useful.
I remember making a zombie apocalypse bugout bag for fun when I was about 14 or so. One of the items was literally just a chunk of bread in a ziploc bag. If the zombie apocalypse had happened, I would've had nothing to eat but a piece of moldy bread.
I appreciate the constant flow of videos to this channel. How much the editing team works to make these seem like they take weeks to produce and the dedication to putting out content consistently is very appreciated, even if it it doesn’t get said often
Doomsday people use a few slices of cheese and a jelly packet to determine when the apocalypse begins
As a Veteran, a ‘bug out bag’ is honestly the only real thing I support myself. When you need to make an emergency move even for just temporary situations, it’s a great thing to have that I recommend to anyone. A bug out bag isn’t quite intended for long term intention and in the service we actually called it a 72 hour bag. If you get stuck for a few days, you’re covered. I honestly consider it a level one prepper, but hey still a great video as always
Mormon here! Our family is a level two prepper, we have a food storage in our basement, and a generator that we use when we loose power in the winter. Once during a storm my dad let an elderly member use our generator and we just used a kerosene stove to heat up the house. I also like to keep a battery powered radio and a few flashlights on hand just in case. We have 72 hour kits in case Something like a wildfire or a flood in the area were to happen, and we grow our own garden. It’s not our entire life like borderline obsession, we just like to follow the Boy Scout motto of being prepared. Also my battery transistor radio is great for camping trips, I used to have a hand cranked radio with a solar flashlight that I would bring to summer camp.
how has youtube algorithm hidden this video from me for these 15 seconds
Papa Meat: “I went to a friend’s house, his mom had 150 rolls of toilet paper” Nick’s response : “Did you see that video of a mother getting hit by a brick in her car?” Protect Nick at all costs
The "level one" on this was interesting to hear, because where I grew up, that wouldn't be considered "doomsday prep" of any sort- just standard preparedness. There's an expectation that you'll be prepared to survive 72 hours in case of certain natural disasters. We also had discussions in school multiple times about what we would do in case of a natural disaster like an earthquake... problem with those is everyone was shot down no matter what they said so kids stopped caring lol. But the reason is due to our location, which was at higher risk for certain natural occurrences, so it was something we had to know about. My family has always had some extra things in the garage because of that. Everyone also was taught to be ready for power outages, since we do get those when the wind rolls in during autumn. You're just expected to have some flashlights and such ready, and we have various card games to play. Disney Princess Uno is a favourite.
14:06 I'll never forget those gutteral noises Jim Baker was making while eating that damn paint bucket full of potato soup... "Mmm..mm..GOP!"