
The truth is in the mags. get good mags with 1911s and the average person will be very happy


I have 3 Philipine  2 Metro Arms  1 RIA  None of them would feed hollow points with the factory supplied magazines
I bought Wilson Elite Tactical magazines and now they all function perfectly !  Quality mags can make all the difference in reliable function
From an appearance standpoint,  my Metro hard chrome Commander is the best looking by far  ! ! Everyone enjoy their favorite and be glad we still have the  2A


I have the Rock Island armory 1911 45. Love it. Did some upgrades.it shoots like a dream


Rule of the thumb is you definitely get what you pay for. I couldn't afford a high end like Wilson etc... Went halfway with a Springfield TRP. Myself personally don't quite get the full length guide rod thing. Especially a two piece. You need a allen wrench to break it down. I went GI with flat wire recoil spring from Wilson. 10-8 plug. Been running Wilson 47-D since day one. Worth every cent and I'm extremely satisfied with it. Tight with about a 5/6 hundred round break in period. After a few thousand rounds. Flawless. Good video.


I have Rock Island and a Tisas Duty 1911. Both great pistols, budget 1911s are very underrated


as someone told me: if you’re thinking of spending $3000+ on something like an M1911, buy the $600 one with the additional $2400 on training and ammo for it


own a tisas 1911 and love it


In my opinion if one chooses a 1911 for serious work ( you plan on betting your life and your families on it.) a basic mil spec 1911 with only 2 modifications 1 sights you can see clearly and safety you can rest your thumb on. The other ltem I recommend is a 22lr conversion kit. Dont buy another 1911 in 22lr! This way you can train for much less expense with YOUR primary 1911. Remember a $500 1911 with 2000 rounds that you personally put through it is better than a $3500 1911 that you only put 50 rounds through.


Love any video where I come away with words of wisdom "If you can afford the better gun GET THE BETTER GUN"


I like the springfield.


I'm sorry but I am only 20 secs into this video and I SO appreciate you starting your video off with "Hey." I said Hey back I was so enthralled by you just greeting me like a normal person. I immediately got into the video and was so ready to hear what you had to say. Thank you for that. Thank you for treating me like another person and not just a viewer.


My mother is offering to buy me a handgun for Christmas, and I could only think of a 1911. That said, as someone new to owning a 1911, this video was truly helpful. Thank you guys! 

(hope she likes the Mossberg I’m getting her in return) ;)


I think the sweet spot right now for the coin is The Springfield Garrison is a really nice upgrade original that just feels and looks awesome and shoots like a dream. A dang good value.


Good video, hit the nail on the head. Some people drive BMW, some drive Kia. I love my Dan Wesson 1911's.


Have owned many 1911's in my time on the planet. The tighter the gun the better chance for a failure. For a defensive pistol reliability is foremost for competition accuracy is foremost. If you can afford multiple do so youll find each has it's own character.


Just for the hell of it,  I bought a Charles Daly made in Brecia, Italy.   Truly wonderful 1911; and I own many.   They used to be made by Armscor in the Philippines but mfg was switched to Italy and quality is a step above.


I have a Colt Government and a Springfield “Loaded”. Both are great 1911’s.


I’ve got cheap and I’ve got not so cheap 1911s. 16 to be exact. All of them are great firearms. The ones from the Philippines, Turkey, Germany and the USA are ALL fantastic. I’m no match shooter but I’m as good with the Tisas as I am with the Les Baer. Ambi safeties have all been swapped to extended LH only. Triggers and hammers that weren’t, have been swapped to skeletonized ones. I prefer flat faced triggers. Grips, except those on my 2011, are all custom Bloodwood. Some have had sights swapped, some not. 

The biggest thing I’ve found to make one reliable, is a good magazine. I like the Kimber and Remington stainless steel mags myself. None have ever left me down. I’ve also gone to full length guide rods on those that did come with them.


It comes down to, if you can AFFORD the better gun, you get the better gun! Well said!


Low to high dollar, got them all. Love em, can't go wrong with 1911's.