
Encountered any cheaters this wipe? Share your experience below!


Cheating cos you suck is bad enough but to then use it to fuel your Roblox gambling addiction really is just a tragic end for a bloodline right there.


Cheating has gotten worse since all the legit players moved on to PvE and SPT


So that's why Nikita hates PVE, he apparently prefers PVP cheaters who buy the game again and again every time!?!!


I actually interviewed a cheater. They didnt tell me what I am going to tell you. It just something I noticed. The game to them, is not the game you and I are playing (like Tarkov) The game to them, is how mad can they make you. How well can they ruin someone elses day. They get off on the trolling of it. They dont care about the actual video game, the game isnt the entertainment. Thats why you and I cant understand how it could be fun to play something while cheating. It breaks all the fun of the game. But they arent here for the game, the game is just the medium for them to do the real fun, annoy you.


Still proud if he kills a guy "get shit on" but then says he hates cheaters. This kid is full of it


Cheaters having free cam before legit players have it


he claimed to be #1 labs main... what a joke. kid probably got slammed by real players and then coped and bought cheats and the cycle contiunes


Im a cyber security engineer who works on software applications and as a younger human spent a lot of time hacking games. The reason cheating is so bad in tarkov is because of how poorly the game was built. Many of these cheats shouldnt be possible but bad dev decisions make them possible. Many of tarkovs most famous cheats were comically easy to find and do.


So in summary, the game we all play and love is being ruined by 14 year olds who don’t even enjoy the game anymore. Nice! Come on BSG, time to sort this out!!


"i got sick of cheaters so i decided to actively make the problem worse instead of just quitting like a normal person"


I play on asia servers, and died to cheaters all the time , but it never crossed my mind to actually cheat myself. Cuz it's like calling yourself a loser by default. I'd rather take my chances in killing a cheater


All im hearing is that the kid is just bad at the game.  He thinks getting lvl 15 is super hard and he thinks a lvl 34 with a 9 kd is a cheater.  So he cheats because he sucks


Cheaters = smoll PP


even though I keep dying to cheaters I will never turn to cheats


he's got a VERY impactful point which is: "closet cheaters don't get any fun" and it's true. They don't get the thrill of playing legit and being scared and also they don't get the kick out of rage cheating. Closet cheaters are just what's made online gaming a terrible experience. Specially streamers.


Im convinced 50% of the players that play tarkov have walls or radar... I have 8000+ hours udner my belt and the game has got to the point where every other person you run into is "all knowing"


Dude clearly has issues outside of being killed by cheaters….


Very interesting personality type. I don't mean that in a bad way. 14 year old gambling cheater. He is wiling to talk about it openly and doesn't care about actually enjoying the game anymore. I appreciate this interview Leth1


"im pretty athletic"