
no tattoos, 
no alcohol, 
no sex, 
no curse. 

pure smile, 
happy family, 
truly great song.


The 80's was the best decade ❤


This is DEFINITELY the best REO Speedwagon song. There's nothing out there like it. Pure perfection.


year 2025 anyone?❤ i was young the first time i heard this song, my father used to play this every morning, I never thought i would love this song today , now i know awesome song.❤


January 1988 my high school sweetheart broke up with me for a reason i still don't know, I listened to this song nonstop for a few weeks. I prayed a bit, and soon she asked me back. This song holds a special place in my heart!!


Rest in peace, Gary Ritchrath, lead guitarist of REO Speedwagon. Thanks for the music.


Some guy in the dorm  played this song on his stereo early one morning in 1989.  35 years later this song remains so dear to my heart.


Reminds me of dad , always uses to play this song, the 80s will always be the best era of music.


So underrated but by far the best damn ROCK band EVER ! ❤️


So, I guess a funny story here.  Long ago, REO appeared at our annual local festival.  As they sang their encore for the show, an antique biplane with fireworks blazing on the wings flew over the stage.  The audience cheered, thinking this was part of the finale of the show.  No.  It was the signal that the festival was closing and everyone needed to leave.  But REO went over their allowed time and this just happened to coincide.  It was beautiful to see and hear on a clear summer night.


Heard this on 80s on 8 tonight.  Man, songs back then were really well written.  Gradual buildup, chorus hits hard around the 2 minute mark.  That would never happen now. Audiences have no attention span.  Also really cool middle part of the song with some great chord changes.  Excellent example of good pop song writing from the 80s.


One of their best, In my opinion.
The dislikes are from people who don’t have a good taste in music


im born 1984..but i love this  so much..please give a seconds to hug this band


Everything about this song is extraordinary…..musically, lyrically, and performances


Im 28 years old still listening to this good old songs ❤


I dont know but whenever I sing the chorus it hits me hard and cry! 😭
Such a beautiful song as always. So classic. ❤


80s kid. Back in the days were music was so relaxing.


What a song!!! One of the best songs of all time!!!
REO Speedwagon = Great band!


Oh my high school days. Bittersweet memories.


Que hermoso recuerdo inolvidable ! Ya tengo 50 años vigente lo mejor en esos tiempo de rock .-