4 signs that you are attractive 1. you love yourself 2. you are confident 3. you belive yourself 4. you are you❤️
I never get compliments so I guess I'm hella attractive
Signs you're attractive You look in the mirror and find yourself beautiful 😊
This video made me fell sooo much better 😒😒 everything that stood there has I never experienced before so thank you for making me think even more that I’m ugly
I thought people stared at me because of how ugly I looked……
I have social anxiety so whenever a person looks at me I already think that they hate me and think that I'm worthless and stupid and ugly
I love myself and that's enough for me
Signs your super attractive: You stand up for yourself You don’t care what other people think You are kind to yourself and others You love yourself ❤️
You're attractive when you walk with pride...❤️🔥
4 signs that you are absolutely gorgeous and attractive: 1. If you breathe 2. If you blink 3. If you sleep 4. If you pee
I only get compliments from strangers!😂 To be attractive, you need to first feel that u r attractive, i guess!
4 signs that you are attractive: 1. You're attractive! 2. You're attractive! 3. You're attractive! 4. You're attractive!
Glad you included that , “ either people like you or are mean to you .” On a serious note, people don’t talk much about the fact that beautiful people, Specially women received a lot of hate just for possessing beauty. I was born in a small town . People did stopped to stare at me, I received compliments from guys and hate from women. I was actually bullied left and right and had to learn how to physically kick ass/ fight bc I was constantly jumped by girls I did absolutely nothing to. This is a hard topic to talk about bc on top of it all , one may land in the ears of others as arrogant and full of it for expressing the victimization. Me, in my attempt to be liked did a lot of stupid things such as shrinking my light, become a people pleaser, and lower my standard in order to fit in and receive the approval of others, etc. Beauty is a gift, but it doesn’t say anything about the person on the inside. A person needs to be judge by their actions although the world/ society is set up in a way that appearances matter and can open many doors . Anyways , I am Sharing a little bit of what on my mind regarding this subject. Has anyone else paid a price for being attractive ? Please share . Blessings to all ❤️
This is soo TRUE Omg i never thought I'm Attractive ✨️😭
Oh compliments.... 😶 I only get judged 😂
The One i actually got was « rarely getting compliments»
You are beautiful just the way you are naturally, GOD created you the way you were supposed to be, and he made you wonderfully. Once you 1)have respect for yourself, 2)compassion and kindness towards others and 3)Take care of yourself and see yourself as naturally beautiful I believe you’ll be attractive to others no matter how expensive your hairstyle nails or clothes are.
I do agree with all the points happens with me everytime. By saying this i dont mean that i'm very beautiful & all😅. Just want to tell that yes all the points mention are correct. 1. U find ppl stating at 2. Some being very nice & some being very mean with u(out of jealousy) 3. Dont know about the eyebrow one. 😅
I fell like I’m ugly and I’m proud to be ugly and I love myself