
The transition shortly after this line when he holds his arms out and flashes into shot in his all white gear is quite simply sublime. This video is slick af


I KNOW he's more than appearance.  Obviously Ren is the most talented man in the world. But can I point out how f*cking $exy he is 🤤🙌👑🎶


Ren can do no wrong with music !!! I love literally everything he's put out . Literally everything all the way back to the beginning


If I was that shredded I would just throw away my clothes lol


Man you're crazy talented,  been listening to UK Rap since 1984 and have never been so excited for a UK artist. I heard you wanna spit with Ocean Wisdom,  that would be a crazy link up my brotha.....


Nice reminder. As if we need it. This was one amazing creation.
Every single part of it.
I think your boxing analogy is pretty close to how this one is hitting.
Very well done.


Ren, your word-play and kadence in this track is unbelievably next level! 🔥 💙


The sound and beats in this is off the damn planet, REN is a complete package, even the damn videos are fresh. Love ya REN <3


I’m 105 years old and so glad there’s talented artists like Ren.


I passed tf out somehow while this short was looping. Woke up to Ren looking 🔥


J’adore quand tu chantais avec Sam des musiques douces, je t’aime dans la douceur et la tendresse, notre monde est assez violent , pour qu’il y en est encore dans tes clips vidéos..je t’aime , je ne cesserais de t’aimer Ren..❤❤❤


I'm so obsessed with Ren!! I can't go a day without listening to his music ❤❤❤


The switch up here get's me amped, every time 😅


Hi Ren and all you that have fallen into the hole that is Ren 😉  Dudes like a rabbit 🐇 that's is in a hole and then he just been crafting this beautiful borrow scratching and digging for the last I, don't know how long just eating what ever the earth provided for him so intense and he is such a good wise giffted soul so artistic this art just extreats out of him and we all just fell in.
Personally, Ren, you have saved my life. I am pretty messed up, but your art has done something to my physics. my hearts soul and spirit have been burning.I mean it boi I  feel this good, warm feeling between my stomach and my  heart since I discovered you, your artistic fire .I am 50 years old and a lover of artistic music and have never experienced this level. Some of us only have music, and it can be so powerful. Life changing even. you move me to tears and your art gives me frisson every day.I even tell strangers at stores on the street, I'll pull up a video like Ren  and show a girl at Rutters or the young man at the pharmacy and you know what ?They like you and the world of music, needs you. Thank you so much, Ren. God bless you, and we love you 🎶


This track is PURE 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥


Ren ! My new obsession!!


Gwan bro!  Smashing it!


We love you Ren ❤❤


Hi Ren!  You are amazing and I can't wait to listen to your album ❤️❤️❤️


Can't stop playing this ❤❤❤