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Aside from Ren's outstanding music, what blew me away about this video was the incredible camera work. Moment of appreciation for Luke Flegg because this was huge talent and skill behind the camera.
Dude, I am 30 in a couple of months. I am a man of this world, and I take pride in being a centered and controlled man because I wasn't always. I haven't found many artists who speak to my soul in years. Man, every song I've listened to of yours has so much heart. "Violet's Tale" made me tear up hard, I hope people can't relate to that song as hard as I did, but I absolutely related and it brought so many memories to the forefront. "Hi Ren" is how I found you, "Sick Boi" is how I knew you understood, and every song that I have listened to since has been nothing but raw heart. I am not sure how I didn't find you until now, but I am thankful I did. Seriously, your music makes me feel. You have a fucking gift man. Much Love and Respect.
I've begun dreading a new Ren release, in case it doesn't live up to what has become my high expectations...then I'm blown away by yet another amazing track. As a 67 year-old jaded old git from the UK, I had almost given up hoping for interesting new music. Ren has changed all that. So, thanks Ren.
The timing on each scene is incredible. Camera man walking downstairs backwards. Ren's aware/unawareness of the camera. All on top of addictive beats. Art on every level.
I'm 70 years old, and a huge fan. I always thought the musicallity of rap was boring, but never heard a rap artist use their vocal tones as an instrument the way you do. I love the complexity of your music, and your creativity is off the charts inspiring. I make jewelry, and find your creativity to be contagious. I make the best jewelry when listening to your music. Can't wait for the new drop! God bless, and if you ever need a Grandmum in the US, I'm a good cook, too!! Lol
I am 53 and have always listened to a wide variety of music. Your music is a wide variety of music so I have it all with one artist! You are truly talented! Continue to do this as long as you can!
I love how each of Ren’s songs are unique and hit so differently. Some make me weep and some make me smile. This is bop! This beat is killer. Ren is magic.
So ready for this, excited doesn't cover it. Also thank you Ren for your donation to the RNLI both my dad and my brother volunteer for Moelfre lifeboat so I've grown up with my dad being called out at all hours of the night 24/7 365 days a year. In the old days they didn't have pagers etc we had flare guns and seagulls. The coxswain lived next door to the boat house so he would get a call, he would then rush to the platform area and set of the flares, a group of about 4 or 5 bangs if I remember, then everyone in the village heard it and the crew would be there in under ten mins ready to go. As the years passed I remember my dad getting his first ever pager and being hen fash he hated tech of any kind so teaching him to use it was quite funny, it did however save alot of time. I more than most know how important donations are so thanks again
All Ren songs are masterpieces and they all hit differently. Musically you never know what Ren is going to be doing next. What an artist.
Whoa Ren is ripped! Who knew?
I remember the weekend I found " Hi-Ren " , I lost sleep playing it on repeat, watching every reaction because I wanted ti see if other people were amazed as I was. Here we some months later and you are a huge part of music experience!!!! Keep em coming mate !!!!
Omg I have never been more excited about a song in my life because I feel this might be THE song for Ren! I can hear this being on the radio and blowing up!!! Never rooted so hard for someone I never met in my life but here I am telling everyone I can about him in my life cause I feel he is that once in a lifetime artist!! He deserves it all 🎉♥️
The flow Ren was born with is insane...and to see him sharpen his skills over the last few months. I'm soooo rooting for this guy. He deserves every good thing that comes his way...
I’m a 70 year old woman and I LOVE this guy!
Ren gives me hope for the future of music. Everything he puts out is pure gold. ❤️
Just driven 3 hours to see my mate. We always play each other new music. First tune of the evening 👌
Ren has been the most life changing artist I've ever heard. The first song I ever listened to was love music part 2 about 5-6 years ago and it's been an incredible journey the last few months getting to watch your career explode! Thank you Ren!
Barrington Levy! Love this and the original song he samples here