The amount of soda pop this guy is spreading over the woods the ants in the region are probably building a church in his honor .
I watch Paul’s videos when I want an accurate, adult-oriented discussion of firearms. No speed metal music intro, no tacti-cool gear. Just solid information. Thank you for what you do.
So I bought both! seems reasonable to everyone but my wife.
I love how he pulls guns and ammo out of his pockets like a magician
Rest in peace Paul Harrell.
" I can go to Walmart and buy 45 ammo any day of the week" .... Oh how I long for those days!
Miss you, Paul. Thank you for all of the advice, your humor, and well wishes to his family, friends, and all who knew him. What a seemingly wonderful man and human being.
The moral to the story is, never make a statement to the police after a shooting, until you have spoken with counsel.
NEVER. EVER. Give. A. Statement. "Officer, I wish to exercise my constitutional right to consult with an attorney before making a statement."
"Today I'm on the range so don't mind the gunfire in the background" Oh that's ok. I'm in Chicago so I'm getting quite used to that sound.
We lost a great one. We are fortunate to have his videos to revisit and pass on.
Is anyone else amazed at how Paul's pockets swallow large hand guns and whole boxes of ammunition?
Paul Harrell is to firearms as Bob Ross is to painting.
I'm a pathologist with training in forensic pathology. I have done forensic autopsies. I can definitively say the ME was full of shit. There is no way to accurately determine whether or not someone was moving based on bullet angle. Subbed for your excellent discussion on the unfortunate Mr. Fish.
I assure you, Paul, NOBODY skips forward to the shooting portion. We all watched the whole thing. Your knowledge, experience, stories, and overall quality of content deserves full attention. Keep the good content coming! God bless and stay safe!
One does not simply skip ahead in a Paul Harrell video to get to "the part where we shoot the meat target". You enjoy the entire video.
This was by far THE greatest 10mm vs .45 ACP comparison I've ever seen! Thank you Paul Harrell!!!
I really like the way you deliver information. You are an excellent instructor. Thank you.
This man is someone you want in your platoon. Absolute professional. Thank you sir for your work.