Nice guide, subscribed!!
ok, that was a bit of a cop out but a true statement anyway. I have used Scale 75, Vallejo (and their speed paint), Army painter fanatic (and speed paints), some citadel (and contrast), Pro Acryl, Cuttlefish Colours, Green Stuff World, AK 3rd gen, Broken Anvil, P3 and Warcolours. Of the various types tried there are only 2 that I would warn people off from: Warcolours and Citadel. Warcolours is based on a gel medium and have to be thinned (or they show brush strokes badly) because of their unique medium thinning them is tricky to get the correct consistency. Not a beginner friendly paint and a bit of a pain in the a** to work with. Citadel I dislike because the paints within the line are inconsistent for coverage and opacity. The other factor with Citadel is that they are one of the most expensive paints on the market. The other paints that I listed all have good consistency within the range and will definitely get the job done. My favorites for reg paint are AK 3rd gen and Pro acryl. For contrast / speed paints The Army Painter speed paints and Vallejo Xpress color are basically even in my ratings. The only real difference I see there is some of the color varieties between the two lines of paint. Fun Video, thanks mate. Oh, as one paint addict to another... P3's kickstarter is live now.. check it out.
over the years i have slowly landed on the new armypainter fanatic range. why? more consistant, more pigments, flexible triads (6 bottles per color type, pick three and profit) and did not cost a fortune. also comes withtwo mixing balls from the start. but the absolute best part? it comes, correctly f-ing labeled. fanatic paint "thunderous blue" actually has a text "Dark Blueish grey". the speedpaint "camo cloak" has the text "Greyish Green". thank you! no more guessing. it actually works!
Really hoping P3 comes back successfully, always liked their stuff but wanted them in dropper bottles. Their lids seemed fragile
Honestly your review wasn't that disappointing. I was told duncan's white is good so I got that white. I wanted averland sunset because I like the color so I got it. It really isn't that deep, we need to think about it as bottles and not as sets and seek peace even knowing our bottles don't all have the same logo on them lol.
Just found the channel. Great job so far. The advice that always stuck with me is try to find a paint you like locally. It can be a pain to wait a couple weeks for paint. I use the paints from GW and The Army Painter.
As a commission painter i use a load of different paints. Contrast, AP Speed paints. Ak shades, Ak 3rd gen, Pro Acryl, Vallejo for bolt action, Also bought the complete AP Fanatic range and although they are great paint they still lack redish browns and the reds are not the best. Best black is defo Vallejo 70.950 or AK Black. Best white Pro acryl titanium white. Was also tempted to sell the AP Complete set and bolster up on the AK Range as i think they are better paints.
I didn’t think paints got this complex 😅 I just went with a bunch of different Vallejo paints to get me going. Btw, I live in California next to a city called Vallejo, and in my 30 years here I have never heard anybody pronounce it “properly”. Everybody just pronounces it like “VA-LAY-O” 😂 So that’s what I call the paint so I don’t pull a muscle trying to pronounce it the other way
Your advice is spot on-use what you feel is best,and that can only come from trying and experimenting. Sadly these days of instant gratification means that few will do this.And, of course, this route is expensive.Very. Personally I prefer Ammo now,, but did buy a lot of Vallejo when I first switched (partly) to acrylics. It is a shame that many enamel paint ranges have been discontinued,much due to eu communism stating that it's all for a the green planet and other twaddle. They worked,and although expensive in their day they didn't need half a room of different brands to get the colours you needed. Humbrol Authentics were particularly good and are still usable 30-40 years after buying them! But I'm showing my age.....good advice video, subbed for more.
Another great video Alex 👌👍. You hit the nail on the head though, one range of paint won't ever give the perfect set of paints. I too use Citadel, Vallejo, Army Painter, Pro Acrylic and Jo Sonja mediums. So you are 100% right about one range not being perfect. However Army Painter, Citadel and Vallejo sell really good starter packs which are a great way for beginners to get a good selection of colours 😊. Keep up the superb vids Alex 👍💪🙂
Thanks bud I’m new to Warhammer but I been painting Gundam, WW2 planes in the past and I been using Tamiay, Vallejo and some AK
dude, amazin starting channel. Can't whait to whatch the next!! congrats
Thank you very much for your review! Only one question - where did you get those Citadel dropper bottles from?... Did I missed something, and they now have a range without those freaking pots?..
I have tried alot of paint. I think Green Stuff world is the best. So anyone who wants to know what the best paint is, try green stuff world. Just my opinion. At least their maxx formula paint.
When I started, I bought gw.. I hate them, and am switching to all non gw. There are some colors that I need usanti bone, zandi dust. I have some Proacryl, AK Interactive, Some P3 (really hoping the new release makes it easier to get), some army painter…. More and more my goal is to eliminate all gw paints in my collection. For contrast I have AP speed paints, some xpress, and some contrast from GW
Thats one hell of a thumbnail, how many takes did it takes ? 😂
I have a question before I start painting. I have a mini figure whose colors I didn’t care for and would love to change. Do you know if acrylic will change the feel to the touch?
Hi I'm having trouble finding the best primer for my Miniatures I see so many different videos giving different things I don't know which one to get, one person even suggested using Halfords paint primer, at this point I'm just confused I'm early in the game and I'm a massive noob
Missed Nuworlds