Tagilla should spawn D2
15:50 Bro just tripped over :face-purple-crying:
The rat attorney thumbnail works so well
The increased performance in the game is a MUCH appreciated change. Has me back to enjoying the game again
19:10 how this man corrects someone's English while improperly using "your" is so characteristic of these types of people lmfao
favorite content creator on tarkov!!!! fabulous video as always
I went to watch this video over 8 hours ago and finally just pulled myself out of the shorts
Its ALWAYS a good day with the RatMaster himself posts!
Call this episode “counting the chicks before they hatched”
7:50 this laugh has defined my 30's
imagine getting mad because someone else plays the game differently to you lol. Stank rat is making the game better, bringing more eyes to the game.
Unban requests are literally gold
"Phoenix Wright stankrat isn't real he can't hurt you" oh no
These thumbnails have been very high quality recently!
Standing on the light is ancient General Sam technology.
1:29 - TMI billy
3:00 how did he get up there
wait its not Mini Choda anymore??
wait so if i say nasty things to you have a chance of making on the thumbnail? worth every keystroke