This mans ability to dance around genres still and always will baffle me, its incredible that the person writing this calibre of hiphop also put out tracks like how to be me, or its alright or the heavier rock stuff with the big push, its like he's 3 different people who have all excelled in their field of music
❤ the old school vibe!
Wonderful Beastie homage!
love it when he puts regae on it
I’m a 44 year old woman and this brought me back to being 15 on the beach with my friends playing licensed to ill on our boombox, checking out boys, sneaking beers and cigarettes and having the time of my life. Thank you REN!!!!! You’re eternally flawless!!!
I am a 53 yo complete death metal head but I absolutely love Ren across all of his genres. His mastery of words, amazing musical talent, and ability to put into words the human struggle is like no other. He is a true artist who will truely leave a positive impact on this world in ways most singers dont.
1986: Licensed to Ill came out -I was a junior in high school watching MTV, making mixed tapes, and living the teen dream. This song makes my dopamine start flowing-well, your whole catalog does. But this one puts a big goofy smile on my face. Now while I sit at my dumb adult desk, doing my dumb adult job, I can pop on the headphones and escape to sweet 16 once again. Heartfelt thanks.
OMG. This man is a genius. His music is actually keeping me alive. I was having the worst panic attack of my life so far and I put on rens song ‘hi ren’. And when he said ‘it’s an eternal dance’ something snapped in my brain. And I decided maybe I can live with this depression and anxiety. THANK U REN. I’m sure he will never see this but I tell everyone who will listen about Rens gift because if it helped me stay alive- it helps others too. This won’t is dope. And brings me backkkkkkkk. I love it. Never met a ren song I didn’t like.
Hats off to the Beastie Boys!!!!!!!!!! The 80/90's & that OLD SCOOL FLAVA!!!!! SO FRESH!
Haven't looked forward to music since the likes of Linkin Park and Outkast. Your talent, creativity and intelligence can be on that memorable level and I wish you the best production wise.
Ren is gonna be the saviour of music - nothing has excited me like this for 20 years since punk pop died the death.
It's awesome to see artists give respect to the Beastie Boys!😎
Problem why this havent blow yet, todays youth cant remember more than 2lines of lyrics, this is too much for them 😔😄
Man I’ve been listening to hip hop and rap since 1982, I’ve loved all the styles, this is another level, I just can’t explain , the flame burns strong. Thank you Ren
How does this not have millions of views! I can't wait for Ren to blow up. He deserves so much success 👏
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I was born in 1990 and that is a sweet reminder of all that funky hiphop beats but now drizzled with Ren's juiciness. Absolutely fresh. Cant believe how talented you are.
Love it when Ren flexes and just has fun on these tracks (for the most part). Never been a rap fan but can somehow listen to anything Ren puts out in this genre.
Even when Ren writes an old school song, it still sounds like sth you 've never heard before but you can definately recognize it is Ren. This means real mastery of music and ones own skills. Stunning....