
Hi frands 🌞


Back in my day, we didn’t just buy pencils. I used to rip down trees and carve them with my fingernails. I had to dig up the graphite myself and seal it to the wood with my sheer strength. Kids these days...


“Back in my day-“ it’s story time guys 😫✋


" I personally hate cleaning after paint" Finally, someone who gets me.


The muscle memory is real. My sister gave me so much shit for tracing things when I was little. But after tracing something a couple times, I got how the lines were suposed to "feel" and was able, not only to duplicate it if I wanted, but to make variations of it or aply it in a different way.


"I had to walk 90 miles to school everyday and we had nothing digital so I had to paint on cave walls with the blood of my enemies." With happy music in the background. 
Literally every parent's story 😂😂😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


I'm the kind of person who gets really frustrated when I can't do something right the first time. So every time I get into drawing, it doesn't last long because I get too frustrated with myself. Thanks so much for this video, I'm trying to get back into drawing again. :)


After watching this video I got up, got my pencils, got my sketchbook, sat down, drew a circle, and watched my anime feeling productive. Thank you sam, truly.


I'm a passionate artist who ended up burned out and sad in a 9 to 5. One of my favorite possesions is my massive sketchbook collection from the years. It helps me feel like I actually did something with my art time and helps me get back into my pre burnout phase every now and then.


“if you have trouble drawing hands, like we all do”
-proceeds to draw the best hands ive ever seen


His sketches are so neat and clean.


"You're allowed to make a lot of mistakes along the way"... Ik, you're talking about drawing, but I needed to hear that. Thank you!


I was having an “artist block,” I say that but I’m not much of an artist and I wasn’t improving. I love art but not being able to put my idea on paper really destroyed my confidence on improving. But idk after switching from my left hand to my right, I felt like I was a kid again and I enjoyed drawing again. Although I have to start from scratch, I at least enjoy drawing once more


Sam saying pages don’t need to be perfect
His sketchbook pages meanwhile: * completely perfect *


sam: "nowadays all you kiddos have your iphones, tablets and everything..'
me: stares awkwardly at the printer paper while trying to make my own sketchbook


"for you, and you only" 

my mom: " hey honey, can i see your draw? " 
me: "nooooo, it's not that good"
my mom: " so you don't love me anymore ? "


whos here in 2025


"It's got to be sketchy"

Hey kid want some candy get in my van and I'll give you some 🍬


Why his practice is much better than my actual drawing.


Now do "The best way to force yourself to actually practice drawing instead of procrastinating and hating yourself for not drawing or practicing for weeks" video.