
heat treated m1911 (factory new)


Thats a damn fine ass gun right there


I wonder how long it took for him to grind the Damascus camo


case hardened m1911 nice


Ohne pixel would open a case for this


Bro got a case hardened blue gem minimal wear


when Misha's son is born, he will inherit not just fast-moving money, but a whole damn arsenal with which you can equip an entire company.


Case Hardened metal in general is beautiful


Dude got the mastery camo on it.🔥🔥🔥


That's a beautiful gun


That is the most beutiful gunnive ever seen..


Call of Duty 500 Headshot challenge reward skin


Case harding is beautiful for sure..❤


That’s the coolest m1911 I’ve seen
No way he didn’t dump the bullets everywhere


Misha please make a long video about this 1911


Definitely one of the prettiest 1911's I've seen!!❤


I’m a southerner so I don’t talk proper at all but every time I see a beautiful gun or car or something like that my British comes out

That gun is absolutely stunning 😂


It's rarer than a knife


m1911 is 1 of my favorite guns, that gun looks insane tho


That is the most gorgeous thing I’ve seen