that fact that at the end u kinda became part of the ARG in a way is very cool we NEED more videos like this
9:39 fun fact, that fast set of noises is actually a common bug in some of the older versions of minecraft where if you walk on the edge of the block, the sound doesn't play until you fully step on a block to make the noise, causing all the noises to play in rapid succession
I love the idea they have an actual server up and running, and I'd imagine the player mining is just a bot or a script. But playing along with the idea it's an actual person... I am so impressed.
now THIS is an arg: actually scary, involves the audience and goes far beyond the rules of minecraft - incredible
What an amazing ARG! I got worried when the D.M.S footage was shown because I thought it'd just fall down the typical tropes of analog horror, but I was wrong! This was a magnificently crafted piece of Minecraft media and having Wifies involved in it was the cherry on top! Alex when he wakes up "Zoom? Covid19? Teams? Minecraft is owned by Microsoft and is now on version 1.21?"
Alex suddenly waking up and being in his 30s would be such a crazy thing. Strapped to an IV, a minecraft launcher in front of you, in a strange and foreign room, with zero memories of what's just happened, it would be horrible.
this is the craziest arg that i have ever watched honestly. and the fact that you even became part of it in the end is honestly.. mind blowing
I like how halfway through the video, Wifies started to sound nervous/sad like he's very invested on saving Alex. You can hear him stuttering and speak in an anxious tone. Another thing I want to point out is when he said "he's free" to Crafty without a capital, unlike before when he typed with capitals. Like he's affected by this case. Also I find it poetic when he didn't delete the email from ArchIve, but instead, he "archived" it. But maybe I'm just yapping and overanalysing stuff.
For a video tittled "Finding A Player Who Doesn't Exist" My initial thought going into this was that Alex wasn't even real and was just an AI that Crafty was friends with until the agency turned it on like a sleeper agent
The burning trees at 10:35 are actually fairly normal for older versions of minecraft. Sometimes fire, usually on the tops of blocks, would just stop spreading and burn in one place perpetually. It was actually nearly impossible to fully burn down a forest because fire spread was so glitchy. I remember I used to use this to make fireplaces before netherrack was introduced or easy to get.
imagine reaching out to a youtuber to check on your friend, they reach out after a few months, and say “he’s free”. no other context.
all fun and games until the research gets so deep you start digging into actual classified government documents
Damnn that was a sick arg, I can't even imagine how long it took to set all that up, the creator is genuinely an artist.
Archive mostly encrypting their information with Youtube links and Caesar ciphers: "How did someone bypass our encryption systems?"
Among the ARG discussion videos, your video is the best with its excellent storytelling, With the gradual revelation of the mystery, it makes the audience theorize, coupled with the soundtrack that is right on time, it makes us not bored. Keep this up, I hope you make videos like this Again.
Hey, Wifies! I don't know if you're aware but one of the ARGs which you spoke about a while ago has uploaded several more videos. It's the one called AndrewGaming67. I've been keeping up with that series and would love to see a follow up video on it. Great video, by the way!
This is an incredible video. Normally these old minecraft args are very samey but this one felt unique because of the real world implications. Excellent work
18:00 "you can't play Minecraft forever. Do you expect to still be playing it in 6 years?" minecrafters: YES
I think this is one of my favorite args you've done so far, good job man. All of your videos have kept my focus and got me on the edge of my seat, but this one feels so much more immersive somehow. I can't wait to see what you come up with next, and these videos make me wanna save up for a PC so I can start making my own arg content