This is sick! I notice the production upgrade! Also I’d love more and more seminars; you’re truly doing so much for science.
It’s here it has arrived guys it’s time for that long form content
Alex kikel is the best mentor you can ever have! Amazing class, thank you 🙏🏻
Amazing seminar!!!! Full of major gems
Super stoked for this! Love working with you, brother
Really appreciate this content! Thanks from Germany
Unparalleled content. Thank you so much Alex!
“Not phallic” 😂😂 This was incredible. Thanks Alex!
Great start to the series Love the bio hacking deep dive
Watched whole video, took notes, thanks again man.
You’re the best Alex thank you!
Great vid man ! As always !
Invaluable … thanks coach… love the Free Access to Knowledge sir!
Probably one of If not the best video for a comprehensive overview of having unlimited energy
Let's gooo!! I loved your episode on Mark Bell's Power Project and have learned a lot from your previous content. Huge fan of using things like DADA for my jiu jitsu training sessions which I've seen you talk about before 💪🏽
interesting water structuring device, also look into the analemma water that uses 'mother water' to restructure
It's interesting the blend between the main stream well established science and the living water mambo jumboand assumptions on impacton health. At least Alex waned us from the beginning. Thank you for the video!
Great presentation, appreciate presenting the positives and negatives of this peptide
Love this so much! Keep up the great work Alex!!!