We’ve always known we are God’s chosen people. “The last shall be first and the first shall be last”!! 🙌🏽
What a powerful message. God is still using Black people for his kingdom.
The truth always comes out no matter how deep you buried it. It will come out.
Amen & Amen I'm a 72 yr old woman who grew up on the teachings of Billy Graham & am enormously thankful
I'm proud to be a black Man, and we have special purpose in God's kingdom.
Wow! We the Africans are called,chosen by Gods devine purpose,,the truth shall set us free indeed...
I Thank Pastor Graham for having the guts and courage to tell the truth even though it may not be popular and some people won't accept the truth. One of God's Angels 🙏
By far, this is probably the best message I’ve heard this year!! Billy Graham was a phenomenal, servant leader of God! He spoke nothing but the TRUTH. He was about his Father’s business and wasn’t trying to win the applause of man, but to walk out the destiny God had for him! 23:03
Thank you, Billy Graham. My mother shared black peoples history with me!
Why am I just hearing Billy Graham and Charles Stanley preaching these message of Biblical truths about Blacks? Praise God!!!!
I like that he says "our history doesn't divide us! " Excellent!
The truth always reveals its self. I don't care how hard you try to hide it. Thank you!
Good to hear someone unafraid to speak the facts
Thank You Jesus for establishing Truth through your servant Evangelist Billy Graham many years after he has gone home to glory.
If you are a Christian, then we all belong to one family, God's family"!
When you go to Africa you will definitely feel the presence of God. I've done a missionary last summer in Uganda. In turn, it changed me.
He was one of the greatest preachers ever!!he lived to be 100, and now he is with the Father God and Jesus who said WELL DONE GOOD AND FAITHFUL SERVANT WELCOME HOME!
I first remember Dr. Graham during the late 1960's, and beyond as a child. My mom and I would often, view Dr. Graham on his frequent Television specials on Free Television. We both enjoyed this dynamic speaker concerning the Biblical narrative of truth!
Believe it or not, God is warning all so there won’t be no excuses on that judgement day. There is nothing covered that shall not be revealed, neither hid that shall not known. Obey Acts 2:38 while you still have life.