
It's impossible for me to build without at least 2 Magpul products not including pmags. I've tried just for the sake of being different but in the end it never works for me. The look, fit, feel, and operability beats everything else i've tried.

I went ahead and bought one of their basic Magpul PSA-15's on a sale I couldn't say no too. That MOE mlok forend i've avoided for years actually feels incredible. It is so refreshing to have a back-to-basics rifle.


Lots of hate but Iโ€™m a fan of magpul!


The B.A.D. lever is slowly becoming my go to accessory for my ARs. I have one on each of them.


Love my Sabre-15 lower that came with ODG SL/SL-S furniture!




Jakl 308 release date please


So many great options in regards to furniture.  Now if we could get some great options in terms of barrel profiles.  Lightweight and/or tapered profiles, please!


On the the grip stop closest to the muzzle flip it 180ยฐ it will allow you to index it between your index and middle finger ๐Ÿ˜‰


Surprise you guys donโ€™t have a custom build parts selector for ARs and AKs yet.


When Krink in 45-70?


I love their sling, but I got the "special" one with that double lock that in a situation that would require an emergency "quick" change or release, it might not release.  I don't know if I got the defective one , but I need pliers to release it.


Cool video


I have a feeling they're going to release the 308 jakl just in time for Christmas


Magpul is rad.....now where is the Vuk? Respectfully.


Magpul ๐Ÿ‘


LETS GO!!! PSA!!! ๐Ÿง ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ๐Ÿ’ฅ


Magpul is great, they have their place for sure don't get me wrong but i am not a fan of their slings at all. I've tried the MS1 and it sits in the spare parts bin, so many better options out there in my opinion


We need a Dragunov!


Magpul needs to release grips for the X95 Tavor.