
I can't believe I'm saying this but Kudos to Kimmel for letting Bill Burr free flow talk and not editing out "Luigi"


“I would tell you about the big thing, but it’s too sad, so I’m gonna keep it on the toast.”

Does he realize what a massive gem he just dropped there? As a freaking throwaway? 

God, I hope he lives to be a hundred. He just gets better and better every year.

Really glad his family didn’t lose their home.


“I never left Luigi” 
Same Bill, same 😂😂


I reeeally empathise with the being super calm in a terrible situation, like after a disaster or when you have no money because you've been out of work or when you lose your home....versus little things.

Bill is a real one.

Love the way he says, "on the internet!" 😄


Love how he called out mainstream media for not covering insurance companies cancelling fire insurance coverage.


Bill Burr = Instaclick


The Free Luigi comment made me love this man 100x more than I already did. God bless Bill Burr


Bill Burr is at the point in his comedy career where he doesn't even need a tight 5, he can riff off life


“I never left Luigi”, hard cut to leave Luigi 😂


At first, Jimmy couldn't let his questions in 'cos Bill just kept ranting. Then came the "Free Luigi" I'm dead 😆.


I never left Luigi either, free Luigi! Bill Burr is the people’s voice of comedians


Oh man, I love Bill Burr. Love him!


Just the guy we needed to bring all this back down to Earth.  Seriously, thx, Mr Burr.


His ability to sound angry whilst being so humble and loving and compassionate just brings tears to my fkn eyes. ❤❤❤


That "Sophie's Choice" line is gold!😂


Love Bill Burr.  I'm 52 and he hits heavy in the best possible way.  Having him around is like having an entire catalog of your favourite recording artist on vinyl.  Thanks Bill


Bill is a national treasure. He never scared away from saying how he feels.


Wish Conan was still doing late night talk shows


3:06 Bill: I never left Luigi ✊🏻 💕
3:11 The editor: we're going to leave Luigi now 😊


The calm in emergencies but upset about little things feels very relatable. Tree crashes through the garage and rips the electrical system off of the house itself? It's alright, just call the insurance company and the fire department. Bump my head on a cabinet? THE WHOLE KITCHEN WILL FEEL MY WRATH FOR ATTACKING ME!!!!!