
1:34:25 i was dying when Mamoru was hating on that boss or wtv🤣🤣🤣


Bro's mom😂 she is playing both mom and dad role


If they reveal that this entire time his father that disappear is his mother, I wouldn't be surprised


Please do another episode on this bruh 😭😩


The fact that they jumped the Dean's duplicate cuz his stomach hurted from yesterday meal is hilarious


This has the perfect mix of demon slayer, fire force, chainsaw man and jujustsu kaisen aspects to it. so fire


His mom is the best character hands down, top tier.


Name is Special Civil Servant


The name of the series is Special Civil Servant
I normally don't go after a series, but this one was very good, There are just one or two more chapter people, this video was like 39 or 40 chapters, So there is not enough content for another video, but again, the name of the series is : "Special Civil Servant" in case anyone want to bookmark it


2:22 the bird been looking like the rock😂😂


7 mins in i love this mc, highly relatable when i was unemployed and realistic situation, absolutely refuses his mothers help due to pride, like many of us would. An mc whos doesnt need a heros arc, i hope he gets a good story.


Lord Mamoru, I like your content please continue making badass, thick, cheekey, etc. Manhwa explanations~


Please part 2 I am begging




22:33  bro that's not fair. You read the thing all ready


This is some of the best demon/ability designs I’ve ever seen in a manwha


2:45 thats gotta be Recoome or Nappa pretending to be his mom


This one of those stories that really dont get alright til an hour in let alone being a “good watch” but the fact is u aint let me down more than once so i gotta chance it


He can’t get pregnant, but he always delivers


Name: Special Civil Servant 

Ended on chapter 39