
I dedicate this song to you. Yes you, reading this comment. Have a nice day beautiful <3


To all the people out there who say they wish they felt wanted I want you to know there is someone out there who wants to hold you and love you make you smile everyday and to make you know that you are wanted.  And if you are unable to find someone so far, know that I want you. Even though we may not know each other, everyone is precious.
(Update: married the love of my life who brought me out of my darkness and back into the light. As one who lost my first love to a car accident I always believed that I would never find love again but here I am a happily married man getting ready to celebrate 2 years. If I can find someone to heal me so can you)


This song doesn’t get enough appreciation! It’s one of my ABSOLUTE FAVORITES!!♥️♥️


I met my wife 20 years ago. We were a late in life love, meeting in our mid-40s. At 65, I still sing this song to her just to remind her that she's all I ever wanted... "I want to wrap you up, I want to kiss your lips, I just want to make you feel wanted..." ❤


This song has been my favorite song for years. I remember being in 6th grade and it was Valentine's day 2013. We went to my grandparents house for dinner and after we ate the grown ups stayed in the dining room to visit while is kids went to the living room to play. I overheard my mom telling my grandparents about how earlier that day my dad had sent her a song. Then my dad said how he was at work driving (he's a tire man, so he does a lot of driving) and this song came on the radio. He had to pull in somewhere and stop so he could look it up on YouTube and send it to her. It was his way of saying "this is how I feel about you, even though I don't show it often". The song had my mom in tears. When we got home she played the video for us, and that was the day I fell in love with Hunter Hayes and his music. This song instantly became my favorite, and Hunter instantly became my favorite musician.

Seven years later and I'm still listening. And now, I have a best friend who I met through my military training. He is currently stationed in Fort Stewart, GA, and I'm at Fort Lewis, WA. We talk on the phone almost on a daily basis. He is the thread that holds me together when I'm falling apart. He is the light that pulled me out of the darkness I was in. He is the new beat that took over after Yesterday's Song. He is my everything. This man is my best friend, and the very first person to ever make me feel truly and completely Wanted.


I hope that you all can find the person who you were meant to be with. That person is out there somewhere go and find them and be happy with them forever.


When Hunter Hayes sang, "All I ever waaaaaaaanted," I felt that. Sana all.


I want to dedicate this song to my husband in heaven i miss you so much i love you for ever


A guy like Hunter Hayes can play more than 30 instruments and his songs are full of sympathy and love and each song he write is breathtaking, you feel that his lyrics came out from the middle of his heart. I think hunter should have more viewers, more than 100 million.


My bf sing this to me 8 years ago.and I m blessed now he is my husband😊


Jesus Christ..every single time I watch this......my heart explodes..


Hunter, thank you for this beautiful song. I recently went through two tough heartbreaks back to back. I revisited this song and it is helping me through this delicate time, giving me hope. Thank you.


Never gets old.......Love the song......also the singer......LOVE U HUNTER HAYES


There is no other song in country music that speaks to a woman’s heart better than this one. I have it on repeat at all times.


I'm still trying to understand how this masterpiece didn't win a Grammy smh


this song is definitely going to be on the playlist at my wedding. This song was on repeat when I was growing up it got me through so many dark times


2021 is here. Still love this song


I need a guy like Hunter, he's so nice and genuine. You can tell from his songs how much he loved or loves the girl he's singing about. Its beautiful


This is my favorite song. I literally cant stop singing it and playing it. I love this song with all my heart and it has helped me get through some really dark and difficult times. This song is amazing and will always have a special place in my heart.


Walked down the aisle to this song at my wedding to my husband, and then played at our reception.  My husband would always send this song to me when he was working and I was having a bad day.  Still to this day I love this song and smile when I hear it.  it's like my husband's song to me.  It's one of the best song's I've heard in a long time