
I was born in 1951 and I thought it was a great time to grow up. We played out until dark. Never worried about walking to the library , park, to the DQ, or to the local candy store hang out. Also to the pool or the pool hall. I have a cook book that looks like yours. the cover falling off and all. I also have hand written recipes, and every time I see my g'ma or mama's handwriting I tear up. I'm 72 and my son, who is a great cook, has already called dibs on the cookbook. I love watching your channel, but I will say today's  show had me teary eyed, but that is not a bad thing! To remember loved ones is the best! Thank you for this special show!


I was born in 1959. I grew up with 1 sister and 8 brothers. I was right in the middle. When I was growing up the world was so different back then. We slept with our doors unlocked, we played outside all day long and came home before dark. We played with all the kids on our block. There was no PlayStation, internet, cell phones. We had tree houses, we roller skated, hoola hooped, played jacks, freeze tag, ride bikes, etc. it was a great childhood.


Do MORE vintage 50's recipes!!!   We need to go back to the food we loved so much!!!!   This is GREAT!!!!!


1952, Georgia. Three months off for summer!! We'd get on our bikes after breakfast & not come back til daddy whistled from the front porch for supper. Mom did 3 meals a day, kept the house immaculate, best seamstress ever. Can't wait to see her, dad & brothers in heaven. My childhood rocked!! Feel kinda sorry for kids today 😢.


I was born 1941. GREATEST  time ever to  grow up  ! We had chicken a la king a lot. My mom always served it over toast. I am 83 years  old now and serve it to my children with pride and sweet  memories. THANK YOU for remember the greatest ERA.   God Bless,  M.A. Bennett


I was born in 1952. So grateful to have grown up in the 50's! Mom's stayed home, took care of the kids & cooked delicious dinners from scratch! Those were the days!


Steven had me laughing so hard at how well he did the step by step instructions for the Elvis sandwich! 
The two of you always make me smile! ☺


I'm 65; I have my beloved Mom's (born 1922) Better Homes & Gardens Cook Book from 1941. It's filled with her handwritten notes on every page, all the meals I grew up on. In a fire, it's the first thing I would grab. It's falling apart but the recipes in it are treasures.


The Mac and cheese looks so good!! I was born 1957 and the 50’s was the best time to grow up!! Raised from the greatest generation of parents!!!
Love your cook books!!!
Love your channel!!
The Elvis sandwich looks delicious too!!  And my mom cooked chicken al king!!  So good!! Thanks for the memories!!


I was born in the 50's.  I started 1st grade when I  was 5 because there was no kindergarten at that time. I  walked to and from school with my classmates over a mile to school.  We delighted in catching lightening bugs on warm summer evenings.   It definitely was a simple,  safe time in life, and I'm thankful for it.  Only drawback is now my body keeps telling me I'm old,  even though my mind doesn't want to believe it!


Born in 1953. Growing up in the 50’s/60’s was the best time to be a kid. I love your show ❤


My grandma has that Better Homes Cook Book. 
She used it so much the pages were falling out, written recipes tucked in and grandma used a rubber band to keep it closed. That building made the cover come off. 
Grandpa took the whole thing from her and laminated all the pages, with an edge just a tad larger than the page. He used a hole punch then secured the holes with those tiny things that looked like donuts. He them got a huge three ring binder and he attached the book cover to the outside them he laminated that nice and solid. He added pockets to the inside front and back for all the hand written recipes. It was fabulous! I inherited that from grandma. It's still in perfect condition, and I take care to carefully wipe up any spills, splashes and drops off the pages.
It is discolored from the years.
He fixed that book back up for her in the '60s when I was a kid, and it began falling apart.
I wouldn't trade it for a million dollars!


You guys are so amazing together. That's what a relationship/marriage should be like. I envy you. 😊


I won that cookbook as 1st prize in a    cake baking contest in Middle School - a banana walnut cake with whipped cream frosting. I wore the book completely out too. Thx for the memory.


Oh girl girl, I was born in 56. It’s been a major fun life but now that I’m 67 your body gets old and tired and hurts. Your sweet young and I hope you stay that way.


I was born in 1957 and I can’t tell you how often that cook book was setting on the counter while my mother was cooking!! I love simple food!!!


I was born in 1950...in Georgia...we played outside all day..,the neighborhood moms were the overseers of all the children.dads carpooled to work....alternate cars left with mom...any kid in the hood had trouble, to the hospital...our hood worked like "it takes a village".....we all cooked out...made homemade ice cream...played baseball in our field...( kids and adults)...and 'yes' a few windows got broken...and no one was sued...kids walked to the store a mile away to but candy...went swimming in family owed pool about half mile from hood...everyone watched out for everyone else...I feel grateful for being raised 'back then'....



I was visiting my dad one weekend several years ago just before he passed away. We were fixing breakfast one morning and got into a conversation about eggs and a double yolk. I told him I had always heard of them but had never actually seen one. Mind you I was about 60 years old. I was frying the eggs as he was frying the bacon. The first egg I cracked had a double yolk!! What a wonderful memory I can look back on. Enjoyed your video!


I didn't even know one could buy a 'box' of Macaroni and Cheese until I was an adult on my own.  
My mom ALWAYS made it from scratch and we had it a lot!


More vintage!!!! Please and thank you 😊